Call of Duty: Black Ops Has 50 GB Day One Update


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is going to get a healthy chunk of hard drive when it comes from the disc, but you'll need to keep it open for the day. Depending on your console of choice, you should have as much as 112 GB of free space to complete the installation.

According to Activision's support page, the day-one update has a download size of 50 GB, and when it's all done the game will leave a 55 GB footprint on your PlayStation 4 or Xbox One. On PlayStation 4 you'll need to get a better set of things, but it's going to be better than that. This is just the size needed to complete the installation, though, and the process is still in place.

Multiplayer modes, including Zombies, Specialist Headquarters, and the new Battle Royale Blackout mode. The notes mention that Blackout will be playable once the installation reaches around 30% on both consoles. On PlayStation 4, make sure you select "Blackout during the installation".

Each of these notes goes to the disc-based copies that require a separate day-one install. If you buy it digitally, that copy will be 55 GB in itself, without any additional patch required. Check out our pre-order guide for more details.

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