Call Of Duty Blackout Vs. Fortnite vs. PUBG: What's The Difference?


You know the royal battle concept is a force to be reckoned with when a long-standing series like Call of Duty decides to join the fray. Black Ops 4 Blackout introductions, the series' rendition of last-person-standing deathmatch, and we've spent plenty of time with the new fashion. So, if you're not caught up on the royal battle or you want to know how to get away from it all! Black Ops 4 distinguishable from the top dogs of Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, we have you covered.

Before you get into the details, you should note that it is a full-priced $ 60 game that comes with a new version of the Zombies mode and traditional multiplayer modes in addition to Blackout campaign). The game is set to release on October 12 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Fortnite: Battle Royale on the other hand is free-to-play and playable on near every modern platform, including iOS and Android. Fortnite also contains the horde-based survival mode Save The World, but only on PS4, Xbox One, and PC if you purchase the Founder's Pack for $ 40 – however, Epic says that the fashion will become free sometime this year. PUBG is currently available for PC and Xbox One for $ 30 and free-to-play on iOS and Android.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Blackout

Black Ops 4 's Blackout mode shares many of the basics of its battle royal counterparts. Up to 100 players get airdropped onto a wide-open, sprawling map in or teams of two or four, or in solo matches. Everyone has one life and the goal is to be the last player or team standing. In duos and quads, players can be revived by teammates within a window of time before bleeding out. And of course, an ever-shrinking deadly circle in the game of progress and numbers.

Looting works similarly to PUBG in which weapons, ammo, attachments, grenades, and healing items are scattered on the ground and within structures, and supply craters containing valuable gear. Guns can be tricked out with scopes, grips, and barrel attachments in a fairly streamlined inventory menu. While you 're not going to worry about incumbrance and item weight, you' re backpacking.

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One of the alluring factors of Blackout is that it's a Call of Duty game, which makes it easier than ever before, the 15-year old franchise is known for a much larger scale. However, Call of Duty has now been incorporated into a new ballistics model just for Blackout; players will now have a long list of bullet points. The game remains solely a first-person shooter, but vehicles are operated in third-person – PUBG has optional first-person matches and Fortnite is strictly third-person.

As for vehicles, the map is littered with ATVs, cargo trucks, and speedboats. But map acrossal is like this when you account for the helicopter; Fortnite and PUBG do not feature controllable aircraft. Bailing out of the helicopter or jumping off tall buildings is also made possible by using your wingsuit, making verticality a bigger factor than it would be otherwise.

Another twist in Blackout is that it is not strictly PvP since the Asylum area and has few pockets of the AI-controlled zombie hordes. Fighting through zombies can lead to some high-level gear like the coveted Ray Gun, but it's risky and costly for those low on supplies.

Blackout also incorporates the franchise's Perk system and Specialist abilities in a unique way; they are treated like loot. Perks work as consumable items that grant passive bonuses for a limited duration. For example, Stimulant boosts your health by 100 for a three-minute window, and Paranoia activates an audio cue for when you're being targeted by an enemy through ADS. Each can be particularly effective in certain scenarios. Specialist equipment like the barricade, grappling hook, or sensor are rare items found during a match and are not tied to any specialist.

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While the overall battle royal formula does not change much in Black Ops 4, smaller components from previous games work their way into Blackout for something more accessible with a Call of Duty flavor.

Fortnite: Battle Royale

The feature that makes Fortnite stand out immediately is construction. Success in Fortnite is predicated on your ability to swiftly build walls, floors and ramps with the materials you collect around the map. There are two different types of materials (wood, brick, steel) with varying durability and construction timing. It may seem like just a carry-over mechanic from the original Save The World mode, but learning the ways to connect these building blocks together to protect yourself and create effective combat opportunities is absolutely vital.

Fortnite regularly evolves through seasons. It's not just about introducing fresh cosmetics to fresh gameplay. New seasons often alter the map significantly, from the obliteration of the entire towns to completely redone areas. As of now, there's a place where we've been to where we've been found. Epic's dedication to constantly changing Fortnite little-by-little staves off the monotony of playing the same map over and over. And the fact that all these changes are related to a festive vibe that the other games do not capture.

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Equipment changes over time as well. While there are still colored thirds of shotguns, assault rifles, pistols, and SMGs, newer weapons like the guided missile or grappler can change encounter encounters. Long-time items like the disco grenade or launch pad play in the silly, lighthearted nature of it all while still serving compelling use-case. Fortnite, but developer Epic later introduced a golf cart to get around the map a little faster. Limited-time game modes like Fortnite, such as 50v50, Teams of 20, Explosives Only, or Snipers Only. Epic is not afraid to get ridiculous either; Season 4 was based on superheroes and even included the Infinity Gauntlet which transformed players into Marvel villain Thanos, who had a slew of overpowered, yet fun abilities.

Since it's a free-to-play game, microtransactions exist. A battle pass grants you access to exclusive rewards and V-Bucks act as in-game currency to acquire many cosmetic items; no purchasable content affects gameplay.

Fortnite plays fast and loose in a way that's easy to pick up, and its cartoon-y aesthetic feels inviting. But Victory Royale because high-level play will often have you juggling multiple systems in high-pressure situations.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG)

It is safe to say that it is the predecessor of the recent battle and that it follows (including Fortnite). PUBG plays much closer to a military sim, which makes sense given that the game's roots can be traced back to the royal battle mods for the ARMA games. Player movement is much more deliberate and slower paced, and the damage and ballistics models They should not be otherwise, but they should not be otherwise. Airdropped supply crates offer powerful gear, but of course pose the risk of enemies.

There is no construction or special abilities in PUBG, making more about situational awareness and the right tactical decisions. Smoke pomegranates and flashbangs are your main supplements to your aiming skills. Cars, motorbikes, and boats can get you around, but they can help you get tough, too. As a result, firefights feel much more tense and the anticipation of encounters can be harrowing. If you get caught in a vulnerable position, there's a lot you can do but lament your mistakes.

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PUBG now sports multiple maps that emphasize different styles of play. Erangel acts as the traditional large-scale map with foliage and forestry filling gaps between towns, while Miramar leaves you in the desert. Sanhok offers a faster-paced match in a compact map within a tropical environment. And later this year, it will be a snow-covered theme that is likely to present its own unique tactical opportunities. PUBG has also dabbled in alternate game types like fashion training, deathmatch with respawns, and bigger team sizes. You can also choose to play in third or first-person matches.

Although PUBG has a price tag, microtransactions remain part of the game's economy. It is now a battle of the world.

Which One Should You Play?

The answer to this question depends on what you are in the mood for. If two ends of a spectrum are Fortnite and PUBG, Call of Duty: Black Ops Blackout lies somewhere in the middle. The Call of Duty Franchise. Fortunite is one of the world's most important and best-of-breed creators. just know that there's no escaping the construction mechanics. If hardcore military is more your taste then PUBG will be your game.

Other battle royal-style games are out there, such as the free-to-play H1Z1 on PC and PS4. H1Z1 was an early access title on Steam well before PUBG came onto the scene, and it was a straightforward take on the mode. The Battlefield franchise's version of battle is coming up with Firestorm in Battlefield V. We know that Firestorm is one of the best battlefield maps ever. The game launches for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 20.

Additional Coverage:

Latest On Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4

Latest On Fortnite

Latest On PUBG

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