Call Of Duty: Review Black Ops 4, Blackout, Guides And All We Know


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is available, and continues the history of the multiplayer explosive fighting franchise in the first person. The old mechanics and features, such as the fan favorite Zombie mode, are back, but the game implements several changes to the Black Ops formula. We have gathered everything we know about Black Ops 4 below.

Black Ops has a long enough history. The first edition of Black Ops, launched in 2010, takes place during the Cold War in the 1960s and is between Alex Mason and Frank Woods, members of the CIA. In 2012, Black Ops 2 postponed the story to 2025 and follows Alex's son, David Mason. Black Ops 3 of 2015 continues the journey of the previous game and focuses on agents in 2065.

The first Black Ops featured the first playable protagonists of a Call of Duty game to talk during the game, not just cinematics. Her sequel introduced the Grief and Turned variations into Call of Duty's Zombies mode. The third game was the first Call of Duty title where Activision and Sony's partnership created exclusive downloadable downloadable content for a limited time for PlayStation consoles.

What is Black Ops 4?

Black Ops 4 is the seventh Call of Duty game developed by Treyarch, one of Activision's many video game companies. This is the first Call of Duty title to miss a traditional one-player campaign. It includes individual missions each focused on the story of one of the multiplayer specialists of Black Ops 4. This feature is similar to the Rainbow Six Siege Operator's missions, but it is more based on a story and is tied into a global conspiracy. The missions take place between 2025 and 2065, making Black Ops 4 a sequel to Black Ops 2 and a precedent of Black Ops 3.

Release Date / Update First Day / Preload

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 launched Oct. 12 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The game has a pretty important update, make sure the system of your choice has enough disk space. The game comes with the special editions Deluxe, Digital Deluxe, Pro and Mystery Box, all of which are detailed in our buying guide.


After spending time with the game after its launch, we released our full review of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. Kallie Plagge, publisher of GameSpot, reviews each of the three main modes: "Black Ops 4 does not miss of content and its three main modes are substantial.Multiplayer introduces more tactical mechanisms without forcing you into it.Zombies have to explore many deep and secret maps to explore, even if their previous characters do not hold and are not annoying Finally, Blackout is pushing Call of Duty in a totally new direction, using Aspects of Multiplayer and Zombies for an interpretation of the genre of the Royal Battle, of course.There is no single single-player campaign, but with depth and the extent of what exists, Black Ops 4 does not need it. "

To start

Black Ops 4 includes many features and mechanisms that might be familiar to an experienced Call of Duty player, but completely foreign to franchise newcomers. If you need assistance, contact one of our Black Ops 4 guides, who should give you all the help you need to get started in multiplayer, zombie and blackout.

Multiplayer, maps and specialists

For the first time in a Call of Duty game, Black Ops 4 lets health regeneration vanish. Firearms use both hit and missile damage, instead of only one in the game's new ballistic system. Predictive recoil models and weapon customization come back. Together, it creates a more tactical experience that encourages teammates to work together instead of playing as a lone wolf. Several classic modes of Call of Duty, including the Zombies, are back in Black Ops 4, but the game also features the series' first royal battle mode, Blackout.

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Black Ops 4 is launched with 14 multiplayer maps: Frequency, Smuggling, Seaside, Payload, Hacienda, Gridlock, Arsenal, Icebreaker, Morocco, Militia, Jungle, Slums, Range and Summit. In November, the classic Call of Duty card, Nuketown, will be launched for free, for a total of 15 cards in the base game Black Ops 4. More cards will be launched later as post-launch downloadable content.

Like its predecessor, Black Ops 4 will feature multiplayer specialists. Each specialist has its own unique load and is designed to handle specific tasks. There are 10 in Black Ops 4, six of which – Ruin, Prophet, Battery, Seraph, Nomad and Firebreak – are coming back from Black Ops 3. The other four – Recon, Ajax, Torque and Crash – are completely new to the series.


Blackout incorporates all the features of the previous Royal Battle Games. Up to 100 players fall on a card and have to face it until only one player or team remains. Weapons and equipment can be cleaned from buildings, and vehicles can be found on the road and used to cross the map more quickly. Security zones where players can survive are gradually shrinking over time, forcing survivors to come closer to fight more fiercely. The mode can be played solo or in a team.

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Blackout is a bit different from games like Battlegrounds and Fortnite from PlayerUnknown. On the one hand, the Blackout map is quite large and encompasses a wide variety of terrain and landscapes instead of focusing on one theme, such as a forest or desert. Blackout is the largest battleground of all Call of Duty games, incorporating many landmarks and ancient title Easter eggs. Blackout is also a slight PvE item, as computer-controlled zombies roam around certain areas of the map. Killing them allows you to earn special items with Call of Duty's Zombie Mode, such as Ray Gun and Cymbal Monkey.


The cooperative mode Zombies returns in Black Ops 4, but this time, it presents two distinct scenarios to play. The first, titled Aether, follows the re-established history of the Zombies from the first three Black Ops games. The second, called Chaos, features new characters – Scarlett, Stanton, Diego and Bruno.

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Exclusive PS4 content

Like Call of Duty titles in recent years, Black Ops 4 will have exclusive PS4 content for a limited time. This exclusive period includes all seasonal events, new specialists and post-launch multiplayer maps. However, instead of the PS4 being two to four weeks ahead of the other system, the console only has exclusive access to post-launch content a week or so ago.

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