Call of Duty: The Royal Battle Mode of Black Ops 4 Could Be the Next Big Thing


cod failure

There is a new royal battle in town.

CNET screen capture

When it was announced that Activision and EA were bringing Battle Royale modes to their respective First Person Call of Duty and Battlefield First Person Franchises, I was not very surprised. Playerunknown Battlefields and Fortnite already proven games, built around the royal battle mode, could be classic hits. Yet, the beta for Call of Duty: Blackout mode of Black Ops 4 This is the first time that one of the largest video game franchises in the world is gaining momentum in this hugely popular game mode. And after playing a few games from the private beta of Call of Duty, I can say that's fine. Very good.


When going down for the first time, the pace was excellent and the decor was perfect.

Screenshot of Jason Parker / CNET

It has all the elements of the royal battle and the gameplay you expect, plus some nice additions. You start with 80 players in total, who dive on the Blackout card in wingsuit, look for gear in the buildings and wait for the storm to close. After a few games, it is obvious that there are many weapons ranging from LMG to grenade launcher. to attack guns and pistols. The game even contains darts and ray guns.

As in PUBG, you can modify your weapons with various viewfinders, handles and accessories. Inventory management is about as intuitive as you'd like in a Call of Duty game. There are no drop-down menus or complicated to manage, at least since our first impressions on Playstation 4. A beta version of the PC opens later this week. Regarding appearances, the game runs smoothly, but this beta version of the PC will really show how this mode can be interesting. On a PS4 Pro, there were still some casual pop-in and the textures would not surprise. But the high pace that is maintained throughout the game is the most important thing to get in a royal battle match.


A helicopter? Goal!

Screenshot of Jason Parker / CNET

Although Blackout mainly follows the royal battle formula we already know, there are twists already mentioned that help him stand out. I'm not sure how often they appear on the map, but I was surprised and excited when I came across a small helicopter. I jumped in and started it off successfully (while my jaw dropped to the ground), but I was shot down before I could get it off the ground in a typical royal battle experience. I've seen someone eventually fly a helicopter successfully, so we'll have to wait to see how such a powerful vehicle could change the game.

You can also find and use temporary benefits. They have the form of a generic military container and their activation gives you assets such as temporarily enhanced melee capabilities. Another that I have seen has helped you improve your hearing so you can hear footsteps further for a short time. These will be interesting to watch as players begin to integrate them into the familiar mix of guns and grenades. I imagine that they are particularly useful when there are only a few people left and that any benefit can be the key to victory.


Go to the circle with style.

Screenshot of Jason Parker / CNET

The valuable supply drops are also scattered on the map, which is a trope of the genre of royal games. In Blackout, however, they are guarded by zombies. These zombies, which will be familiar to anyone who has played at one of Call of Duty 's popular zombie game modes, will move close to powerful equipment and weapons. This weapon includes some of the most fantastic weapons included in the zombie mode, such as a powerful ray gun.

Overall, I am more impressed than I thought. It was reasonable to expect a game with the Call of Duty name to have more style than PUBG, but so far it's a lot more fun than expected. And with additions that we have not seen in the genre before and solid fundamentals like rock, there is a good chance that Blackout is the next big royal battle. We only have to wait for the release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 on October 12th, and to get our hands on the much anticipated Battlefield 5 Royal Fight.

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