Castlevania Symphony Of The Night, Blood Rondo Exclusively At PS4


Konami has announced the launch of Castlevania Requiem, a new bundle on PlayStation 4 of the two best entries in the series. Castlevania Requiem will be released exclusively for the Sony console on October 26th. In Europe, the offer will be available at € 19.99, and Konami said the price details in other territories will soon be revealed.

"Both games are emulated originals for PlayStation 4, with several updates taking advantage of the new hardware," Sony says on the PlayStation blog. "That includes 4K / 1080p upscaling, several high-resolution backgrounds, different rendering options such as smoothing and full trophy support." Requiem will also use the DualShock 4 Analog Stick for movement and speaker to play sounds when you pick up an object.

GameSpot asked Konami about the exclusivity of Castlevania Requiem and if it was for a certain period. In a statement, a company representative stated that "as things stand, there are no plans to move Requiem to other platforms–"[Requiem] is an exclusive PS4. "

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Symphony of the Night was released in 1999 for the original PlayStation and received a very positive reception, becoming incredibly influential on game design, with modern titles such as Dead Cells and Hollow Knight. Rondo of Blood, meanwhile, was released in 1993 on the PC Engine CD and is also considered an exceptional title in the series and genre, as well as one of the best PC Engine games.

October 26th will be a busy day for fans of Castlevania because, with the launch of Castlevania Requiem, Netflix will release Season 2 of the Castlevania anime series that day. While the first season was directed by Adi Shanker, the second will be directed by Sam Deets, the characters creator of the first season. Shankar, however, is still an executive producer.

The series was originally written by famous cartoonist Warren Ellis as a movie script, but was adapted into a series for Netflix after the film project did not start. The series follows Trevor Belmont, the last survivor of the Belmont family, hunter of banned monsters, accused of arresting Vlad Dracula Tepes. In the first season, Dracula vowed to take revenge on humanity after his wife was suspected of being a witch and being murdered. Season 2 continues to follow Trevor, and a few other cohorts, as they try to fight the vengeful vengeful lord. You can watch a Castlevania Season 2 trailer of Netflix here.

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