Catherine Full Body DLC lets you play the joker of Persona 5


catherine full body dlc

Atlus announced that Catherine: whole bodyThe Japanese DLC bonus in first impression includes Persona 5Joker is a playable character, and a special commentary on ghost robbers.

You can play as a Joker in Babel and Colosseum modes while Ghost Raiders provide comments. For the moment, there is no news of the DLC heading west, but Atlus has said it will be sold separately at a later date, so hopefully.

A set of Ideal Voice DLCs will be available in parallel with the above. It will allow players to change Catherine's voice, with eleven different artists to choose from! As the Persona 5 DLC, the Ideal Voice package will be included in the first limited edition, and will be sold separately later.

A new Japanese trailer and a TV spot for Catherine: whole body have also been released, which you can consult below.

On Twitter, Studio Zero director Katsura Hashino spoke of an "unlikely collaboration" that should be revealed at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show. We will update our readers when we have more information about it.

Catherine: whole body will be released in Japan on February 14, 2019 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. A Western version has also been announced but the launch dates have yet to be unveiled.

[Source: Gematsu]

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