Change the settings of your message on PS4 or risk making you hack


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PlayStation Network.Credit: Sony

If your PlayStation Network messages are not set to "friends only", it's a good time to make this change. Apparently, malicious hacking consumes consoles via a random PSN message, locking the machine and forcing users to perform a factory reset. It's unclear how widespread the problem is, but there are several accounts on reddit and elsewhere people who lose access to their console after a random message.

I did not confirm it myself, my messages having already been sent only to friends. I contacted Sony for a comment, but in the meantime, a Sony representative acknowledged the problem at VG247 and says that he's working on a fix:

"We are aware of the situation and are planning to update the system software to solve this problem."

This is certainly an interesting problem, and I hope that some of the most technical social media users will be able to get their hands on the message itself to find out exactly what is going on and which is hurting those consoles. Similar coded message attacks have already occurred on other platforms. All this is a bit amplified by the uniqueness of the video game community, where players may want to win a quick match of a competitive game by eliminating their opponent by extra-legal means. It was reported that whole teams had been taken offline in Rainbow six: seat, for example. You can see many examples here on the Reddit main thread for the problem.

Fortunately, it is quite easy to make this change and isolate yourself from this attack or any other similar attack. Just go into settings, account management, privacy settings, personal information and messages. Change your public email settings to "Friends Only" or "Person". This will mean that you will not receive random messages, which can be honestly sometimes amusing, even if they can be terribly abusive most of the time. If you like to interact with the PSN community, with hope you will soon be able to change things.


PlayStation Network.Credit: Sony

If your PlayStation Network messages are not set to "friends only", it's a good time to make this change. Apparently, malicious hacking consumes consoles via a random PSN message, locking the machine and forcing users to perform a factory reset. It's unclear how widespread the problem is, but there are several accounts on reddit and elsewhere people who lose access to their console after a random message.

I did not confirm it myself, my messages having already been sent only to friends. I contacted Sony for a comment, but in the meantime, a Sony representative acknowledged the problem at VG247 and says that he's working on a fix:

"We are aware of the situation and are planning to update the system software to solve this problem."

This is certainly an interesting problem, and I hope that some of the most technical social media users will be able to get their hands on the message itself to find out exactly what is going on and which is hurting those consoles. Similar coded message attacks have already occurred on other platforms. All this is a bit amplified by the uniqueness of the video game community, where players may want to win a quick match of a competitive game by eliminating their opponent by extra-legal means. It was reported that whole teams had been taken offline in Rainbow six: seat, for example. You can see many examples here on the Reddit main thread for the problem.

Fortunately, it is quite easy to make this change and isolate yourself from this attack or any other similar attack. Just go into settings, account management, privacy settings, personal information and messages. Change your public email settings to "Friends Only" or "Person". This will mean that you will not receive random messages, which can be honestly sometimes amusing, even if they can be terribly abusive most of the time. If you like to interact with the PSN community, with hope you will soon be able to change things.

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