Cheats and what they do at play


If you have followed various high level players in various games, know that they fall into one of two categories. They are either professional players or people who have built an incredible community through their charisma. However, from time to time, one of these players is caught cheating and / or doing something illegal.

Let's start with the professional players because this is one of the most serious problems because of what they represent. Professional players represent a multitude of organizations such as the organization for which they play, the companies for which they are sponsored and the very game they play competitively. Just recently, Nikhil "Forsaken" Kumawat, an Indian player from CS: GO, was caught cheating with an aimbot in a tournament final. The comments of those who attended the games, fans and all other people who have been told revealed a major disgust for the player. To give you an idea of ​​its appearance, take a look at this tweet here;

If you're a fan of the caught player's team, that might be one of the most insulting things you can do to the organization and to yourself as a fan. Organizations will obviously try to recover from the point of view of public relations. In this particular case, OpTic India had removed Kumawat from its list and provided a statement on their position regarding cheating in all respects.

Of course, Kumawat was not the only cheater in the history of esport, but every event on stage could mean a further setback for the legitimacy of esport in general. The organizers of various games had already hired the necessary support staff, such as referees and administrators, to maintain the game's solid integrity.

On this note, it is important to separate the player from the team / organization. Most, if not all, organizations will not be willing to risk their reputation for having an extra chance to win in a tournament. If such incidents occur, it is strongly recommended to monitor their social networks and tournament organizers to find out what they may decide to do in the situation.

There are many known players who are not professional players in various games. Sometimes they are known for their humor, knowledge or other forms of entertainment. These charismatic traits have attracted fans and followers, from young children to adults who like to watch them play and even comment on the games they play. They represent the game and the brand in which they play (most often themselves). Because of their entertainment style, they can even be considered as a kind of pseudo-ambassador of the games they play.

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Source: See our article here!

Recently, Gamers Classified had reported on a Youtuber that had gathered more than 1.7 million subscribers on its channel. This particular player played a well-known game, Fortnite, and was sued for cheating by Epic Games. Although not as serious as professional players, it is still a serious problem described by Epic Games who initiated this lawsuit.

A cheater in this regard blatantly disregards the policies adopted by the developer / company and their colleagues. After all, many players would feel bored or angry at the fact that they lost, not because they were outmatched, but they were deceived as winners.

Have you ever had a moment when a player you followed was caught cheating? Comment below on what you experienced then!

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