Chrome 70 brings support for image in the image for Windows and Mac


It's available in Android since 2017, but the picture-in-picture mode will now switch to Windows, Mac, and Linux with Chrome 70. Android font indicates that it is now enabled by default. The feature needs to be enabled site-by-site by the web developers, after which you can overlay an online video on your desktop for viewing, regardless of the website or program you are using. .

If you'd like to see how this feature works, you can go to YouTube, where you can right-click twice on a video, and then select "Picture in Picture" from the pop-up menu. Once you have turned on Picture Mode in the picture, the tab in which the video is playing displays a small icon, similar to the way Chrome displays a speaker symbol for you. to locate the source of the audio being played. Video overlay can be moved anywhere on the screen with fast drag-and-drop.

Although the feature is now enabled, it is up to developers to add it to their websites. YouTube already supports it (though via a tedious method that will almost certainly change), but otherwise, you will need to use a Chrome extension to enable it on other websites.

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