Chrome 70 brings the picture mode in the picture at the office


To learn how the image works in the image, launch Chrome (make sure you're using the most recent version) and visit YouTube. When you start playing a video, double-click with the right mouse button until a Chrome drop-down menu appears. Select the "Picture in Picture" option in the menu and the video will open in a small window that will fly over all other windows, even if you open another program. You must keep the original tab open for the video to continue running. You can also move and resize the window to fit as you see fit.

Image in Picture is actually available on Chrome for Android for a few months and is buried in Chrome desktop versions since the beta version of Chrome 69. The release of Chrome 70 marks the first activation of Chrome. the default feature. Previously, you could manually activate it by accessing Chrome's "Flags", in which Google retained its experimental features that could be tested but not fully ready for prime time. Now that it is activated right from the start, developers just need to adopt the feature and make it available to other media players.

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