Chrome 70 now activates the image in the default image on macOS


Google Chrome now activates the image in the default image on Mac, Windows, and Linux computers from Chrome 70. If you're up-to-date and watching a compatible video in the Chrome web browser, you can reduce it and continue to browse the web in other tabs, while the video continues playing in a new thumbnail screen (via Android font).

The feature works similarly to Safari's PIP implementation: On compatible websites, you can double-click a currently playing video to find "Image in Image". This will pause the video on the main tab, darken it and display it in a new window that can be moved anywhere on the screen.

PIP was previously in the beta version of Chrome 69, but it had to be manually activated. So it seems that Google makes it easier for users to access this feature with Chrome 70. PIP is still not available on all video playback websites since. it will need to be adopted by each site, but you can enable PIP activation with YouTube in Chrome on macOS as of today.

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