Civilization VI in its entirety made its way to the iPhone


Civilization VI is now available not only for the iPad but also for the iPhone. AppleInsider spent several hours (for science) testing it to see how it compares to its counterparts for iPad and Mac.

It was not so long ago, we declared our love of Civilization VI on iPad, so we were excited to see it on the iPhone. That could not come at a better time with the recent release of the new iPhone XS Max, the largest screen ever designed on an iPhone. We spent many hours working on Civ VI, both on the new iPhone XS Max, as well as on our smaller screen iPhone X.

Civ VI does a great job of using the display, regardless of the phone used. The turn-based menu system makes it easy to navigate and the animations are fluid and natural.

However, some user interface concessions still need to be made for the phone. For example, some of the values ​​at the top of the screen are a bit small. On the iPad, it made more sense to leave the menus by tapping the screen with three fingers, but this seems slightly moved to the iPhone.

The best aspect of the game undoubtedly lies in the fact that it is a full portage of the title. There are no shortcuts or reduced mechanisms to compensate for hardware.

When we played the game on our iPad Pro, there were slowdowns at the end of the game when the turns became more complex. The same is true when you play on the iPhone, although they seemed to take a little longer to process than the iPad even on our iPhone XS Max. The A12 Bionic processor is a beast, but – especially with a larger card and many players – waiting times can be a bit long at the end of the game.

For most players, the longest loading times are just at the beginning of the game, where you have to wait patiently for a few moments to make everything operational.

It always surprises us that all Civilization VI has made its way not only to iPad, but to the iPhone. There is so much to do with hours of entertainment, no timers, premium coins, or other nonsense that annoys.

Civilization VI is free to download and allows you to play for free for the first 60 rounds of a game. A built-in purchase of $ 60 at full price gives the user the full game, which gives you unlimited tricks, custom scenarios and multiplayer mode. Since we bought this game about a year ago, many expansion packs have also landed on iOS, providing civilizations, leaders and additional maps to further advance the game.

Currently, the full game is on sale for $ 23.99. Other integrated purchases are extensions and range from $ 5 to $ 8. They are totally optional.

Civilization VI Requires iOS 11 and an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, iPhone 8 or 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS or XS Max, iPad Air 2, iPad 2017 or any other iPad Pro. AppleInsider recommend the most powerful material you can use.

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