Cloudflare Brings DNS Service to Android and iOS Mobile Devices


On your mind

Last April, Cloudflare and APNIC released a new public DNS resolution service, which not only aimed to speed up the search for Internet addresses, but also to make them more private. Today, Cloudflare has released a app for Android and iOS to easily bring these same features to your mobile devices.

Cloudflare's DNS service takes advantage of their extensive network infrastructure to perform domain name lookups extremely quickly by connecting users to servers that are geographically closer to them. Best of all, their service focuses on privacy by not logging any IP address on disk or deleting all transaction logs within 24 hours.

While mobile devices could already use the service by switching DNS servers manually, users can activate the service by simply tipping it into the application. This will generate a VPN profile, which will automatically redirect DNS traffic through the application so that it uses DNS servers.

One of the concerns voiced by the users is that the Android application requires permission to record audio from the microphone of a phone and that it is possible to use the phone. it has access to photos and USB storage. According to Cloudflare, this permission is required and used only when generating bug reports.

Question of permission
Concerns about microphone authorization

The mobile app is now available for Android and iOS. If you try it, tell us what you think.

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