Complete production on Bethesda Starfield Game began after Fallout 4


  Bethesda starfield game

One of the biggest surprises of the E3 2018 was the announcement of a new Bethesda Game Studios title. Of course, Fallout 76 launches later this year. Yes, the team is working hard on The Elder Scrolls VI . And something more massive came out of the Bethesda press conference. Studio director Todd Howard and his team are developing a new IP, a sci-fi title that they ruled Starfield .

During the Gamelab event in Barcelona, ​​Howard gave a lecture alongside Geoff Keighley. VentureBeat attended the event and relayed some key information. For a time, Starfield became the subject of the conversation. While Howard is unable to divulge much about the game, he revealed that he existed in the idea phase around the office for about a decade. After Fallout 4 was launched, full-time production Starfield officially started. As a result, this new project has been under development for at least two and a half years.

Interestingly, this is the first new property Howard has worked on since arriving in Bethesda 25 years ago. Before Starfield he said that they would come back and reinterpret and replay the old games. The difference with Starfield is that there is no one to turn back to. Ideas were everywhere on the map. I like "more a" sequelae as a player. I do not enjoy doing them. "

Until Bethesda Game Studio is ready to open their science-fiction adventure to the world, fans have much to hope for. Fallout 76 falls later this fall on November 18 The Elder Scrolls VI is currently no release date.

[Source: VentureBeat]

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