Congratulations Palm, you have launched the most stupid product of the year


Palm Instagram
Brenda Stolyar / Digital Trends

Stop watching everyone, the stupidest product of the year has arrived. It's the Palm (2018), a device that should never have been overtaken, and certainly has never been manufactured. It's so confusing, even those who made it do not know what it's all about. However, the heads were tilted, the budgets allocated, the boxes checked and the production lines put into service. And now, he has been vomited into the world.

All those present at the time looked at it and had no idea what to do with it. A marketing manager, eager to leave his mark, launched, "I know, how about a phone … that you would use instead of your phone?" Genius. Integrate it with any obsession with digital wellness, direct it to shredders eager to be present in the present moment, and it would be a definite success.

Deliberately boring

If Palm had stopped there, it was a stupid product. But that was not the case. The idea has been launched, turned into something so ridiculous, we are not yet sure that they are really serious. It is a short-sighted product with a marketing campaign built to excuse the fact that someone pressed the "Go" button on the production line. Now some of the money spent on making it needs to be recovered.

You probably think it's not that bad, right? No, misplaced, it's worse. Oddly, you are really looking for another phone to help you stop using your phone as much. How does Palm intend to do that? This is my favorite part. According to Brenda Stolyar, editor-in-chief of Digital Trends, who spoke to Palm and wrote our handy paper on the device, "the creators think that their small screen will deter you from wanting to use the Palm for long periods of time."

This is what is called the Palm. It is also manufactured by Palm, so to speak. So it's the Palm Palm?

Read this one more time. This phone has been deliberately designed to be boring to use. Thinking that takes a particular kind of genius. This is not for active outdoor enthusiasts who do not want to damage their expensive phone because it is made of glass, so it will break if you drop it. Do not worry about the IP68 rating either, because it is not completely unusual and ends up on phones that have not been specifically designed to irritate you.

Badly designed

You can make calls, send messages, download all your contacts, take photos and download and install any Android apps of your choice. This is called a smartphone, and is no different from the one you already own, but smaller and more infuriating. If it does not run applications, take photos, or do anything else that makes our time creak, then we could argue its case. Instead, the only superficial feature loosely related to the reduction of phone use is a "do not disturb" mode embellished that all other phones already have.

Palm 2018 is stupid steph curry tiny phone 1

Palm himself seems to know how stupid he looks and seems to be moving away from the "disconnected technology" aspect. In an interview with Bloomberg, Howard Nuk, co-founder of Palm Ventures, explains that the small phone is ideal for not having to carry big phone, but stay connected. Confusing messaging is rarely a sign of a well-designed product.

Completely insane

And if you are a masochist, want your daily life to be filled with pain and consider buying one? Not so fast. It must be synchronized with your main phone so that it is not really designed to be used alone; it must come from Verizon and you must use the Verizon Message + proprietary application. That, as well as the exhausting eight hours of drums, will certainly give me the urge to use the 2018 Palm less, if nothing else.

Until now, no one had planned to release a secondary smartphone to help reduce the use of the main smartphone.

Surprisingly, we have not finished. While the craziness was installing at Palm when the horror of what it had created was happening, someone had the idea of ​​making a wallet that holds the phone and that you wear to your arm. You can already buy one of these holsters because cyclists and runners sometimes use them. What you will not do is buy another phone at the same time.

Palm armband
Brenda Stolyar / Digital Trends

We'll have to stop because it's almost too much. But we must mention the name. This is what is called the Palm. It is also manufactured by Palm, so to speak. So it's the Palm Palm? Has there been anything to do with this product? This is clearly not the case for the price because it is $ 350. Or if you are really committed, a two-year contract is available. And clerk is exactly what you should be.

Just buy a smartwatch

We concede that reducing the use of the smartphone is a commendable effort. Apple and Google, Facebook, Huawei and others all have software solutions to help you do it. To date, no one has considered taking out a secondary smartphone to reduce its primary use. Why? Because it's beyond any spirit. In the same way as buying a second small phone to go with you when your big phone is too big. The Palm Palm (2018) is the product that emoji rolling eyes was created to represent.

Either you want to get away from your phone or you do not.

Maybe the software options to reduce scrolling on Instagram do not appeal. It is interesting to note that a product is already doing what the Palm wants to do, in a more attractive, more reasonable and a lot less ridiculous way.

That's what's called a smartwatch, and you can buy one for less than half the price of the Palm, you will not have to sign your life at Verizon, nor explain why you're using it. to everybody. meet. If you want autonomy, there is the Apple Watch Series 4 cell phone and a handful of Wear OS cell phones.

Use a smart watch to really minimize the use of a smartphone, if it really bothers you. You are still connected, but in a less intrusive way. No, you probably will not be able to perform complex tasks, but that's the point. Either you want to get away from your phone or you do not. Whatever your reasons, the purchase of another phone will never reduce, never use your smartphone, and whoever buys a big and expensive phone does not need to. buy a second smaller one.

Whatever the plan, you're too early for April Fool's Day, Palm.

The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not reflect the beliefs of Digital Trends.

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