Countdown to Fortnite lead to a tear in the sky


We have seen Fortnite's countdown for a while now, and it has finally reached zero. The event today was the launch of the rocket in Anarchy Acres, and he left a tear in the sky.

The Fortnite countdown was a one-time event, a rocket launch. We speculated that this might have something to do with Season 5. Season 4 started in the same way with the impact of the meteor, and until now we know that Season 5 has been teased with a mysterious mermaid.

missed the event today, he went like this: The rocket threw the evil den into Anarchy Acres and into the sky. The lasers refined on titled rounds, and it seemed like it was going to destroy the location, but instead, it hit what appeared to be an invisible shield or portal. The rocket disappeared and reappeared nearby and escaped control. He then ascended to the sky, and created the "tear" in the sky that can now be seen on the map.

At this point, we do not know what this means, or what the electrical charges (seen above) could be. But, there are a ton of other things happening in the world of combat buses and stink bombs this weekend. This is a double weekend on all Fortnite platforms and the basket has returned for the challenges of Week 9. The Playground mode has been delayed to next week and replaced by a 50 vs. 50 limited time mode .

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