Creepy Samsung Messages bug sends random photos to contacts


Those of you who have compromising photos in the gallery of their Samsung device might want to delete them because it seems that Samsung Messages has become a thug because of a bug, and that it's not easy. he sends photos to contacts without permission. Based on user reports, the latest version of Samsung Messages is currently having a small glitch and seriously violating the privacy of Samsung device owners. Photos that should be private may no longer be private, and you can not choose who you share them with – you might not even be aware. The disturbing bug does not seem to affect a specific model of the device or a certain carrier, which means that it can affect any Samsung smartphone.

The owners of Samsung devices affected by this bug have asked Reddit to report the problem. A user says that his entire photo gallery was sent to his girlfriend in the middle of the night, without any action on his part. Others have confirmed the conversation and confirmed that it was happening to them too, and it seems that it affects users on at least two different carriers. In one case, the Samsung device has just sent three photos to three contacts, one photo each, which had been sent before. In other cases, people have not been so fortunate and have sent their entire gallery. The Samsung Messages application shows no record of such events, but they are reflected in the carrier logs. Until now, people affected by this problem have said that they were using the Samsung Galaxy S9, the Galaxy S9 Plus and the Galaxy Note 8, on T-Mobile or AT & T, but the bug is probably independent of the support and the device.

Samsung's official word at the moment, users suggest to disable storage permissions for Samsung messages at the moment, which will prevent the application from accessing the gallery photos. To do this, users need to access Device Settings> Apps> Samsung Messages> Permissions> Storage. However, disabling storage permissions affects the Samsung Messages application and its operation. It will keep requesting permissions each time you open a thread. Alternatively, if it's just a problem coming from Samsung Messages and not from the Samsung Gallery app, switching to Android messages could do the trick.

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