Criticism of Assassin's Creed Odyssey: To excel when it's not a game Assassin's Creed | Game | Entertainment


Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the definition of the price / quality ratio (Image: Ubisoft)

Assassin's Creed Odyssey marks the furthest retreat ever recorded by the franchise, as players are plunged into the brutal conflict of the Peloponnesian War.

The procedure takes place in 431 BCE and the establishment of Greece is incredibly tempting.

For the first time in an Assassin's Creed game, the player has the opportunity to choose between a male or female protagonist.

Although the option is to slightly modify the events of the story, the outline of the story of the game remain the same.

We spent most of our time with Alexios, the main male role, and we must congratulate Ubisoft Quebec for creating a character that is becoming more and more appealing as you spend time with him.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a gigantic title that can easily host you for dozens of hours while giving you insight into its content.

The story of Alexios goes back in many ways to the glory of the Ezio trilogy, which delivered a captivating story and kept the players invested.

The players saw him pass from a young and somewhat unconscious man living on the island of Kephallonia to an untouchable warrior who would even think of Achilles before challenging him in battle.

The main Assassin's Creed Odyssey quest has several story bows that have kept us constantly invested and waiting for the next turn.

But if the game excels at telling a remarkable story, it's the friendly and often humorous cast of characters that makes you come back.

Alexios is certainly the highlight, but it is joined by a number of key figures who make the events always entertaining.

The dubbing is essentially nailed, even if some interpretations of characters end up being embarrassing thanks to excessive exaggeration.

Odyssey presents segments of today, but they serve only as additional proof that the series should abandon them entirely.

The story in question comes back too rarely to have a chance to absorb and is just not interesting.

Ubisoft Quebec has been developing Assassin's Creed Odyssey for three years and it shows. the game map is simply colossal.

The Greek islands are scattered across the Aegean Sea and are all incredibly inviting.

The size of the title is almost intimidating, especially when you have invested, hour after hour, completed quests, exploring and advancing the story only to see that half of the game's map had still not touched.

The world just serves to show that size and scale are out of this world.

Chronicle of Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a gargantuan title that can easily host you for dozens of hours. (Image: Ubisoft)

Each island is packed with side quests to undertake, secrets to discover, resources to recover and points of view to find.

The ease with which you can travel the world only makes exploration more attractive.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey certainly can not help but feel like The Legend of Zelda: the breath of nature when you're able to climb any cliff in sight without fear of encountering invisible barriers or screens Abominable cargo.

The title rarely picks up the score of its predecessors, which is certainly a huge compliment.

In fact, Odyssey feels so different that the iconic dive of the series from a colossal monument is strangely foreign.

The naval battle is back in Odyssey and, although the title did not innovate radically in this department, sailing on the Aegean Sea and sinking any other ship that dares to challenge you is fun, frenetic and rewarding.

Chronicle of Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The main quest of the game has several storybows that have constantly motivated us to stay invested (Image: Ubisoft)

Getting off the boats provides you with resources that can be used to upgrade ships, making your ship more powerful.

All this creates an incredibly addictive game loop that gives the player the feeling of progress.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the definition of value for money: the huge content offering could easily satisfy more casual gamers for months.

However, even if tons of content are recommended, not everything is equally convincing.

For the most part, Assassin's Creed Odyssey avoids the perennial trouble that would inevitably ensue in other series entries where the player had to follow characters or listen to conversations.

But there are times when you feel nothing more than a shopping boy, freely giving you your time to collect items for people or going to a series of places for a reward that does not do not always leave you satisfied.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The procedure takes place in 431 BCE and the establishment of Greece is incredibly tempting (Image: Ubisoft)

Everything you do allows you to gain experience that aligns Alexios or Kassandra, making them more powerful and able to equip more powerful equipment.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey regularly recovers new weapons and armor and, although that means you rarely become attached to certain items, this allows you to get incredibly incredibly enjoyable progress.

Like the player, enemies are also assigned a numbered level that serves to demonstrate their ability.

It is not only stupid to try to advance with a bully two or three levels above you, but it will make you fall in seconds.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey excels when you feel powerful. taking a level 10 enemy that instantly blew hairs on the back of the neck and slaughter them easily once you reach a higher rank leaves you triumphant.

The upgrade also gives points that can be assigned to certain skills; this means that the player has the option to choose whether Alexios or Kassandra will become the ultimate warrior or if they prefer to stay in the shadows and strike at the right time.

Chronicle of Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey excels when you feel powerful (Image: Ubisoft)

Graphically, Assassin's Creed Odyssey looks sublime, waves from the Aegean Sea to wild animals with admirable details.

We played the title on an original Xbox One and it seems that the open world title of Ubisoft pushes the material to its absolute limits.

Although the game runs at 30 frames per second for the most part, there have been several instances where slightly marked moments have been observed.

Odyssey also takes a while to start up initially and get you back into action if you are killed.

Like Assassin & # 39; s Creed Origins, Odyssey has a remodeled combat system with a surprising depth.

Although the fight still retains a clear DNA of the Batman Arkham series, the game introduces a number of new ideas that are appreciated.

Chronicle of Assassin's Creed Odyssey

The Spartan Kick is one of the greatest highlights of Assassin's Creed Odyssey. (Image: Ubisoft)

Alexios or Kassandra are able to dodge, parry, launch light or heavy strikes and have a number of special moves.

By far the most satisfying attack is the Spartan Kick, which will cause either protagonist to throw their boot into an opponent, throwing it onto the battlefield.

Such an initiative can also be improved to increase its effectiveness.

The Spartan kick is not only one of the most memorable moments of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, it also results in some of his most humorous moments, even the biggest of the opponents having been ejected from the Mountain top.

The formidable combat system, combined with the constant feeling of progression in the game, makes the fight more fun and addictive than feeling like a chore.

Chronicle of Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Odyssey has a revamped combat system with a surprising depth (Image: Ubisoft)


Assassin's Creed Odyssey is sublime when it departs from the standards of the franchise.

We found that our best moments of the title did not come from the construction of huge buildings or the realization of all the side quests, but rather from the fun of exploring the beautiful open world Greek and creating our own adventures.

Although Odyssey did not completely get rid of its hollow history and unsatisfactory side missions, it is the biggest leap forward since the franchise's inception in 2007.

This is one of the best role-playing games of this generation of consoles and Ubisoft is to be congratulated for making such a U-turn with the series last year and for using the basics to create a captivating game. substantial.

Odyssey represents the perfect time for all fans who have fallen out of the franchise train, while for newcomers, this is an awesome entry point.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey rekindled our enthusiasm for the idea of ​​traveling at different times and wreaking havoc.

In fact, we enjoyed it so much that we plan to continue launching Spartan Kicks, tracking ships in the Aegean Sea and exploring the beautiful islands of Greece long after the credits.

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