David Hayter says that they have not yet recorded any codecs for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaaaaaaaake!

Last month, Fan Expo Boston hosted personalities from all walks of life. Among these was David Hayter of Metal gear celebrity. As expected, the subject of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was raised because of Hayter's return. Without any public invitations on this subject, David revealed that although he contacted Nintendo about this, they had not yet recorded any codecs.

For those unaware, codecs were a very special feature in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. By choosing to play as a Snake and choosing the Shadow Moses Islands, players can activate a special conversation by pressing the trick twice. This conversation would showcase the distribution of the Metal Gear Solid games on one of Snake's opponents, filled with questions and gags.

You can hear exactly what the man said in the clip below at 11:12 pm.

Now, there are two ways to see what he said because he used "more" to describe the situation. The positive outlook is that, from the revealed trailers, some of the confirmed characters were added after completing the initial wave of codecs for Ultimate. After all, there would still be a window of three to four months to register these lines. The negative perspective is that it means they have not registered new ones since Fight. Personally, I remain faithful to the latter, because it means that if they are not there when the game is released, then I am already above the disappointment.

If the codecs are not present, there is a good chance that this is due to the death of Takeshi Aono, actor of the Japanese voice for Roy Campbell. Also known as "Colonel", it is very important Metal Gear Solid character who often participated in codec conversations. When he died, Hideo Kojima reportedly said on his twitter that the character would be removed out of respect for him. Although Kojima may no longer be in Konami, we know that he and Sakurai are on good terms. There is a chance that Sakurai also cut the codecs out of respect.

Since the rest of the game is getting ready, I can live without the codec conversations. More Kid Icarus This could also be the return, as Pit is confirmed to have new lines, so it's not quite dark.

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