Destiny 2 Forsaken: Gambit Mode Guide


Destiny 2: Forsaken inaugurates Bungie's second science fiction shooter for the second year in a row with a range of new missions, fashions, enemies, equipment, and more. Among the new features are Gambit, a unique Destiny 2 mode that combines PVE and PVP in a seriously fun competition.

Mostly in Gambit, you will not shoot directly at other players. But you're still competing with another team of Goaltenders, so you'll need to bring your A-game every game. And that means having the right resources, knowing the best strategies and being ready to understand all that Gambit has to offer.

As a hybrid mode that is not just PVE or PVP, Gambit allows you to explore new game styles that straddle the line between the two. Based on our first experiences with fashion, here are some of the best ways to make sure your team gets to the top.

How does Gambit

The new game mode of Destiny 2 is aptly named because almost every move you make is a maneuver that could compromise your progress and gain an advantage over your opponents. Teams of four players face each other to defeat enough enemies to be the first to summon and defeat a major enemy, while periodically invading areas and killing other players. to slow the progression of the opposing team. Besides these "invasions" of a player in the playground of the opposing team, the two teams are totally separated.

You will spend most of every Gambit match defeating enemies and collecting the Motes they lay. You can wear up to 15 at a time, and although there is no direct negative effect to retain them, you will lose them all permanently if you die, which will give your team great importance.

You are supposed to periodically put these Motes in the station located in the center of the map, which allows your team to get closer to your Primeval. By proceeding in increments of five, an enemy "blocker" is sent to the opposing team's area, preventing them from banking their own Motes. Banking Five Motes sends a small blocker, ten sends a media and sends a big blocker that takes a significant amount of firepower to defeat. The bars at the top of the screen show not only the number of motes your team has accumulated (the red and blue bars), but also the number of motes each team player keeps (the gray part of the bar that is not yet filled).

The notches on these bars represent marks 25 and 50. Reaching these milestones opens a portal to the side of your opponents, allowing a player on your team to invade their space and slow down their progress. The invading player gets a shield and can see the locations of his opponents for the duration of the invasion, even through the walls. The invaders are sent back to their side if they get four decisive attacks (a team erasure), if they die (which causes three Motes to fall for the invaded team) or to the end of a 30-second timer.

When your team has accumulated 75 Motes, a big primitive boss enemy appears. He is accompanied by smaller, but still difficult enemies, which provide him with additional protection – eliminating them makes the Primeval more vulnerable to damage. Once your first summon is summoned, your opponents may invade periodically, and all the dead while an invader is present restore the health of the boss. The first team to defeat his Primeval wins the round and every Gambit match is the best out of three.

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The best Gambit tips and strategies

It may sound complicated, but once you play a few games, it starts to look simple. But do not worry, you'll quickly realize how Gambit can be tactical. The amount of the strategy varies from match to match, depending on the skill of your opponents, but fighting a coordinated team can be incredibly frustrating if your team does not do their job together. Here are some important rules, tips and strategies if you do not want to endure the buttocks.

Communicate. Obviously, it is possible to do a solo queuing with Gambit Matchmaking, but this is not advisable. Playing at Gambit with any degree of strategy requires tons of communication, and you generally will not be lucky in a team of three other random players who all have pickups and are ready for them. use. Try forming a team by playing with friends, joining a clan, using an LFG site, or finding a Destiny 2 dedicated Discord server on your platform of choice.

Coordinate when you bank Motes. It can be tempting to put your Motes in the bank whenever you have enough to send a blocker to the other team (five or more), or whenever you start to worry about dying or losing it . But coordinating with your teammates on when to do business with Motes is absolutely crucial. Sending a small or medium blocker on the other side will not slow your opponents down much. sending three or four simultaneously is another story.

Pay attention to the number of motes your teammates wear. If you have two Motes and your teammate has 14, do not rush to catch them. Let them fill with motes so that they can send a big blocker on the other side. And if you see that a teammate who carries a lot of Motes is under fire from normal enemies or even an invader, it makes sense to attempt a rescue.

Send blockers with your invader. The notches on the Motes progress bar that represent 25 and 50 Motes are important. Once your team has accumulated a total of 25 Motes, a portal opens on the card of the opposing team. Contact your teammates so that once your team records a total of 25, when the gray progress bar moves past the first step, you group them all together, creating multiple blockers and opening the portal simultaneously. That way, when your invader goes through, your opponents can not bank all the motes they carry, giving the invader time to take them out and deny them those motes.

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Also, pay attention to blockers and invaders arriving simultaneously. If the other team knows what they are doing and is faster than you, chances are they use that exact strategy on you. You have two options when an invader and blockers arrive together: You can quickly take out the blockers and try to put your Motes in the bank before the invader kills you – which usually involves burning a Super – or wearing all your attention on killing the invader and sending them to their side. In any case, your teammates need to communicate, become aware and coordinate.

Save your Super and your ammo to invade. Chances are that you will choose the best one or two PVP players in your team to be the designated invaders. When heavy ammo appears in stations around the map, let these players pick them up. And if you are the invader, keep your super and your heavy ammo when you are in enemy territory.

If you have a ton of Motes when you are invaded, hide yourself. Hiding can be relatively inefficient, since the invader can see more or less exactly where you are at any time. But taking cover can force the invader to expose himself by trying to reach you, allowing your teammates with fewer Motes to take the risk and defeat them. Again, communication is the key – "Invader is here, I have 15 motes, I take cover!" is a precious legend.

When the other team launches Primeval, do not invade right away. Summoning your Primeval will take you to more frequent invasions. It can be tempting to go directly to your opponents, especially if your team is far behind, but it's not wise. Killing opposing Guardians when the health of their Primeval is full will delay them by a few seconds; killing them when they have already caused damage to their boss's health will restore his health, which will impede their progression more significantly. It can mean the difference between losing and winning.

That said, do not wait too long before the primeval of the other team starts to suffer damage. Given the power of Forsaken, burning a boss to zero can take a few seconds with the right loadings. An invasion even with your Primeval enemies still at half his health may be too late if it's good. You will end up having an idea of ​​the timing.

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The best Gambit guns and chargers

Before the release of Destiny 2: Forsaken, Gambit was briefly available for a single day for players. The king of the Gambit meta quickly emerged as Simulant Sleeper, an exotic linear fusion rifle that Warmind Expansion players from Destiny 2 could acquire. With its powerful and accurate strikes, Sleeper excels at once by eliminating PVE bosses and shooting enemy players on the other side of the map. His rounds even ricochet and penetrate the targets, allowing skilled players to shoot multiple opponents at one go.

With the release of Forsaken, Sleeper could soon be considered a relic of the first year of Destiny 2 – or maybe not. Given the novelty of all this, it is not yet clear what will come out once the players have discovered all the new weapons and armor Destiny 2: Forsaken will propose them. For the moment, here are some general tips.

Do not be afraid to choose a goal. Coordinate with your teammates before starting to match and do not be afraid to choose an area of ​​focus. You can always choose who will invade when a portal opens. Players designated by your team as invaders may specify their PVP loads, while those remaining behind the killings may choose equipment and capabilities better suited to the EVP. In the end, everyone will end up doing both, but it is good to focus on one style or the other.

Your super is crucial. We have not yet experienced enough with the new Super Abilities of Destiny 2: Forsaken, but just saying which Supers you and your teammates choose is important. You will need a good mix of additional controls, damage dispensers and PVP-focused capabilities; During the Gambit forecast event before the release of Forsaken, the Hunters 'attachment proved to be useful for destroying the Primeval Dawnblade, Golden Gun and Warlocks', and even the bubble of Ward of Dawn of the Titan class, generally underused. inside when you have been invaded.

The meta PVP is constantly changing. Are handguns or SMGs up now? Are snipers again viable with Forsaken's changes in ammunition and weapon locations? Is Sleeper still the best choice for your heavy? These meta-dynamics change and change with the seasons, and with Forsaken just coming in, you should feel free to experiment and change your load if what you use does not work.

We will have more tips and strategies than Destiny 2: Forsaken continues to evolve. For now, have fun in the most unique challenge of Destiny 2.

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