Destiny 2 Forsaken Guide: Key Tips for the new DLC


The expansion of Destiny 2, Forsaken DLC, arrived this week, bringing many new content and changes. A number of adjustments came into effect with a patch released a week before Forsaken, but we will now see exactly what will be year 2 for Destiny 2.

Whether you have already started Forsaken or are just starting to dive this weekend, you need to know some important tips and tricks. In the typical Destiny mode, things are not always detailed in the game, and you can easily shoot yourself in the foot and waste time if you are not completely familiar with all the game systems.

Keeping this in mind, we've put together some essential tips you'll want to know, as well as other tips on how to tackle the game and some notable issues that the game is currently facing. No, it's not just you – the clan bonuses are frustrating right now. Also be sure to check out our Gambit guide for tips on how to excel in the new PvP / PvE hybrid mode, and our current Forsaken review for our thoughts on gambling until now.

Dismantle old hardware, unwanted objects, objects and mods

When you dive for the first time in Forsaken, there are a number of tasks that you can take care of immediately. Through the introduction of new, more desirable equipment and the introduction of an expanded collection, you can get rid of your old equipment and get yourself legendary fragments. The collection allows you to browse all weapons, armors, sparrows, shaders, etc. This allows you to both see how to get things that you do not have and pay to recover items that you have already obtained. The exception is year 2 with random rolls; you will have to win them and keep them if you want to use them. But the good thing is that you can now buy an unlimited number of shaders and disassemble things like ships, then retrieve them later.

Regarding the mods, the system has been completely revised and all your existing mods are obsolete. This means that they are no longer usable and can be disassembled safely. Although you may want to keep your old equipment, mods are something you have no reason to keep.

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Take your bonus every day

Another thing to do right now – and every day – is taking the appropriate premiums. Zavala and Shaxx at the Tower each offer five daily bonuses for Strikes and Crucibles, respectively, but you will also want to attack Hawthorne for clan bonuses (some of which require you to do things with a clan mate). a weekly Eververse bonus (you'll also get bonuses periodically when you get an Eververse Bounty rating) and Drifter for Gambit bonuses. (The Drifter is in the same area as Ikora, hidden in an alley to the right of the ramen store – squat down right under the door to reach it.) The seller of each location, including the Tangled Shore & # 39; Spider, also has additional bonuses specific to this area. Catch them as soon as you go somewhere to make sure you do not lose any effort.

Of course, the rewards cost a little bit of glow to get. If you do not plan to play Gambit on a given day, for example, it makes no sense to grab those bonuses.

Check your challenges regularly in the director

Keeping an eye on the director – that is, your map that allows you to see the various places and activities available – is essential to follow the desired rewards. Raising your power level to 500 is relatively easy in Forsaken; Participating in story missions, public events and Crucible / Gambit can bring you rare (blue) equipment to get you there. To have exceeded 500 is the place where the grind really begins. A reliable way to increase your power level is to Powerful equipment, which will come with a higher power level than your current total number.

Powerful equipment is rewarded for having accomplished a number of different challenges. Unlike what happened in the past, when these challenges could be met by pulling the "blade" on the left side of the director, these are now mostly linked to specific activity locations and playlists. . For example, go to the Director's Vanguard section and hover over the Vanguard Strikes playlist to see what you need to do to win powerful equipment. Make sure to check everything the manager has promised you to make sure you earn all your powerful hardware rewards before the weekly reset, which occurs every Tuesday. To make things easier, a yellow icon appears next to any zone / playlist for which a challenge is available.

Glimmer At Spider

You will inevitably reach the 100,000 mark at some point. In particular, the preparation of patrols and public events will allow you to get there fairly quickly. Rather than leaving your lost income, make sure you spend that money. The first level upgrade on any equipment costs only points, so that's one way to proceed. But with the removal of the old mod system, you no longer have the Banshee-44 and its random mods.

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The provider you'll probably want to visit every time your wallet is full is Spider, the new Jabba, the Hutt-esque NPC you meet on the Tangled Shore at the start of the Forsaken campaign. In addition to the many bonuses it offers, it also allows you to purchase a number of items, including planetary materials. While these solutions are now easy to find if you spend time on patrols and public events, they are the primary source of reputation gains from the respective site providers and are now used for infusion. If you have no other use for your glow, take a bunch of Spider materials.

Consider the purchase of masterpieces daily

And while you're at Spider, you might want to buy some Cores De Chef-d'oeuvre. These are more valuable than ever. In addition to being a necessary aspect of upgrading an item beyond a certain point, they are sometimes used for infusion, including with Exotics. Obtaining Masterwork Hearts can be obtained by breaking down an object from Masterwork, but this of course requires dropping it in the first place.

Your alternative is to buy Spider Masterwork cores. In addition to the aforementioned planetary materials, legendary glitters and splinters, he sells Masterwork cores. They cost legendary fragments and each subsequent purchase increases the cost. However, this price is reset each day. If you have Shards at your disposal, it makes sense to buy at least one Core Masterwork a day to ensure you have convenient access when you need it.

Understand the new infusion system

Bungie has revised the process of infusionwhere you use the power of one element to increase that of another (destroying the most powerful of the process). This change came into effect just before Forsaken, and the essential point is that infusion is not something you will do blindly for every item you get, as in the past. You will need to be more thoughtful about what is being infused, as the price has gone up, now requiring planetary materials and sometimes Masterwork hearts.

Unlike before, you no longer need to use a weapon or piece of armor from the same slot to brew something. In other words, a shotgun can be infused with the help of a handgun; it must not be another shotgun. But if you use a duplicate of an article, the infusion costs only glows. Of course, you will want to be sure of the version you want to keep, because the new random roll system means that two of the same weapons or armor can be significantly different (and you can actually keep duplicates because of their jets). But if you are looking for an inexpensive way to infuse, using a dupe is the way to go.

Do not miss your new subclass trees

Among the additions of Forsaken are new subclass trees. You get your first through a milestone, New Powers (seen in the blade accessible through the director), which is given to you at the beginning of the campaign. For this, you must complete Visions of Light, which are objects dropped by enemies with yellow health bars. Collect 100 and this will unlock a mission on Io; a step notification will appear when you do it, but you can easily miss it, so be sure to watch it closely. Complete the mission and you win a seed of light, which is used to unlock your choice of a new subclass.

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Make sure to think carefully about your choice because getting your other two trees out of the subclass is not as easy or fast. Depending on what players have reported, you will gain additional light seeds by completing the activity of blind wells, which will be unlocked after completing the Forsaken campaign. Manage to successfully complete the blind well, and a seed will potentially fall.

Stop Dropping Shaders One By One

Among the many changes to the quality of life recently, Destiny 2 has been the ability to bulk remove shaders. Rather than get rid of one by one, you can now visit Rahool (the cryptarch who deciphers your engrams) to remove them five at a time. It's really magical to see a bunch of hideous shaders disappear in the blink of an eye. And, as noted above, do not forget that you can now buy the shaders you like from the collection.

Maybe do not be excited about Xur

Before the release of Forsaken, Bungie made some changes to xurincluding where he shows up. You will not find it on the map, and it does not just go to where the current Flashpoint is. For his first post-repressed appearance, his line of articles is rather disappointing – two things are the same as the previous week, and none of them is abandoned equipment. It also does not have anything other than the standard range of exotic armor for each class and an exotic weapon; Three of the pieces and the Engram of Fate have disappeared (the latter could come back, but three of the pieces were discouraged).

It remains to be seen if things will improve in the next few weeks. he could still come for an exciting tour like when he was offering Gjallarhorn or the broken weapon of the day. But based on this first week, you may want to keep your expectations in check.

Known Issues

Although the launch of Forsaken has been relatively easy, some players on Xbox One and PS4 have had problems buying a standalone version of the DLC, for example. People who had the chance to play also had problems, which Bungie follows on his website.

On the less serious (but nevertheless boring) side, the new clan bonuses offered by Hawthorne did not turn as they should; instead, the same set is available each day. Since these bonuses are the new way to supplement your weekly clan challenge (offering you powerful equipment), this has proven to be a problem because of the number of tasks to be performed in Crucible.

Other important points include the Ace of Spades Quest line. The step requiring the killing of Gambit requires killing an invader five times with the help of a handgun. In addition, Bungie is studying a problem for which you are not getting your Oracle Offers if your supply of consumables is full. To avoid this, Bungie says you have room in your consumables inventory.

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