Destiny 2 Forsaken Issues tackled by Bungie


destiny 2 abandoned issues

Destiny 2: Abandoned It has not been completely extinguished for a week, and there are many problems to be solved, although the whole solution is rather well received by the community. One of the most important, of course, is that the players were able to get their hands on some raid gear even before the raid was launched. Bungie responded to many of these issues in a new forum post, recognizing that some fixes required future code changes, but four, in particular, are immediately fixed. Bungie described these problems, their plan of action and assured the players that those who would have benefited from it would not be punished.

Here are the specific details on these four questions, via the Bungie forums:

Raid Chests: The players found their way into the raid spaces and claimed equipment from bonus chests. These chests are removed until we can properly isolate them from raid activities. None of the awards they have awarded will be canceled.

First Engrams: A feat was discovered this weekend, where players could win engrams at a fast pace using the bonus bonus bonus. At the moment, Prime Engrams is designed to grant small power gains over time. The purchase of large amounts of Engrams Prime in a short time reduces the frequency at which you earn Engrams Prime while you continue to play. Some players who have used this exploit extensively may find that Prime Engrams will not appear for the next two or three weeks.

As such, this will provide a very small short-term gain for those who use this feat, but will have long-term negative effects for the progression of a player's power. We are studying a fix for this exploit. Meanwhile, We strongly recommend that players do not use this exploit.

Players who earn Prime Engrams while playing through the game will naturally not be affected by this problem.

Weekly reset of the challenge: The weekly challenges of Gambit, Crucible and Heroic Story were impacted by an unexpected reset of Milestone over the weekend. Players who have completed the Challenges after Saturday's faulty reset have not received any strong rewards and will not receive a correct reset for these activities on Tuesday. We are studying the cause of this problem and will deploy a fix at our earliest opportunity. Additional information can be found in our #Help Known Issues thread.

Gambit suspension issues: We are currently studying a problem where players are suspended by mistake because of disconnections. Up to their resolution, players may encounter 15-minute suspensions when disconnecting Gambit matches. We are currently studying server-side changes to the mapping for this activity to alleviate the problem. Additional information will be provided when it becomes available.

For those who only know this stuff, Bungie closed the message by reminding that the best way to track issues and fixes is to follow @BungieHelp on Twitter.

[Source: Bungie Official Forums]

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