Destiny 2 Forsaken Last Wish Raid now live on PS4, Xbox One and PC


Destiny 2: The first Forsaken Raid is in hours, and we have a glimpse of what it will involve and when it will fall. Last Wish will take players and five other goalkeepers to the heart of Dreaming City, the new district of Forsaken, and go live on Friday, September 14 at 10am PT / 1pm / 6pm on PS4, Xbox One and PC.[[[[Update: The Last Wish Raid is now available on all platforms.]

"Assemble a team … Send them to the heart of the city, kill this creature and extract his heart," says the queen, Mara Sov, in the trailer below. We do not have much else about what the players are going to do exactly, but it seems like the "creature" might be Riven, which was teased at the end of the campaign. The promise is that "the riches of the dream city await those who are victorious", so you could get good loot if you complete it successfully. "I have waited so long to realize one last wish," concludes Mara Sov.

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Some players have already managed to catch some of these raid equipment in advance. An early bug allowed some players to clear their way into opening raid chests and gaining equipment. In patch update 2.0.2, Bungie has solved the problem, but will not remove this device from players who have already obtained it.

Meanwhile, players who participated in the raid encountered a problem over the weekend, when a weekly reset occurred earlier than expected. Although players could win powerful equipment, the rewards did not fall to high power levels, delaying the upgrade process. Bungie has put in place a new update that challenges these challenges for those affected. And if you're looking for a less obvious way to win powerful equipment, you can try the new Ascendant Challenge. We also have an upgrade guide to prepare for the raid.

In addition to all that comes in the Last Wish Raid, Bungie has introduced a ton of new content with its Forsaken expansion. In addition to a new scenario, there are many new equipment, including exotics (weapons and armor) for hunters, warlocks and titans. There are new Strikes and the new Gambit mode that combines PvE with PvP. The campaign focuses on hunting the eight Barons, powerful enemies of the new Scorn race.

Kallie Plagge, in the current GameSpot review Forsaken, said that it was a welcome change from the previous two extensions. "As with the basic game – and unlike the two previous extensions … there's a lot to do in Forsaken at launch," she wrote. While Kallie is still evaluating expansion for a comprehensive review, she has applauded Forsaken's more personal darker tone and boss-centric mission structure that allows for more memorable and exciting fights. There are several new types of enemies, the Gambit mode is nice and the new fighting bow is a fun addition to the arsenal.

"After being disappointed by Curse of Osiris and Warmind, I'm still enjoying Destiny 2. The biggest question right now is how long it will last, but there are a lot of things to do before the raid."

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