Developers of "Battlefield V" Approach Comments on Open Beta in New Video


Now that open beta for Battlefield V is over, it is time for the DICE team to look into all the reactions and make some changes on behalf of the optimization. With a new video from the development team detailing what they plan to improve, you can view a brief summary of the new changes below.

In their most recent article, DICE talked about the shifts in the equilibrium of the attrition war, how they are approaching death, more vehicles, and more. There are many returns to be made, but with the release in November, it will all be worth it.

Drag 1 of 5Change of attrition war:

War of Attrition is a mode that requires a bit of strategy. With the limited ammo and health available, players need to be a little creative before getting into the battlefield. DICE talked about how they plan to improve it, including changing the parents:

"In the polls created by the community after the open beta, we've seen that most players want us to adjust the attrition – which we do – in general, players will be more capable in the final game. have more ammo and other weapons will see an increased maximum amount for ammo.We also plan to allow you to start your fight with a health pouch that can be used once. "

They added, "With regard to the supply stations, we are removing them. They will not be completely removed from the map, but instead of being pre-built, they will need to be built by the players. Score build points and add something fresh to the stream after spawning beyond just sprinting to the enemy. "

Drag 2 of 5Visibility issues:

Visibility was also a huge complaint, which is something else that they seek to address. "Seeing enemies and friends in the heat of the moment is, of course, vital." As you may know, Battlefield V You will not have an icon representing token tokens on players' heads, which will allow you to trust your vision (or the specialized Recon class). This forces us to create the best visibility system for players Battlefield never seen.

On the Rotterdam map in particular, we found that a sharper separation between the background and the foreground was needed. We add a distance haze, which makes other players more pop, and you'll also see fixes for lighting levels and visibility bugs in general. "

Drag 3 of 5Death and how to deal with it

After some adjustments already made, there is now even less time between being hit and bleeding. Not only is death more imminent, but the "parrot camera" camera has also been reduced, creating a heightened sense of urgency in the game. "The icon and resuscitation audio for the Cries of resuscitation will be fine-tuned for easy viewing and listening to teammates calling for help. "

The team added, "In addition to that, we are adding a new feature. When you are shot down, the duration of your emptying time will be taken into account when you access the team that will follow the screen of the camera. If time is running out, the waiting time in the squad will follow the camera before spawning, which will make the experience more difficult and will benefit Doctors, as players will not hesitate to cry for help .

It is important not to change the respawn and purge times too much, as they affect the degree of occupation of a match. If players could return to the battlefield immediately, there would be chaos on the map, so moderation is the key. "

But what about Time to Kill vs. Time to Death?

"TTK and TTD are naturally linked to the power of the weapons of Battlefield V are. Thanks to the amount of telemetry data – billions of casualties – of open beta, we have been able to balance the power of some weapons. Some types of weapons are almost exactly where we like them, but others are distinguished by their power, especially those that have been fully improved. We will make changes to these types of weapons to ensure that the time it takes to kill enemies is enough. "

Drag 4 of 5More vehicles

In a spirit of choice, the developers make essential changes to the vehicles in play, including a larger selection. This will allow players to choose how they arrive with style and choose their tactical advantage.

"In Open Beta, players must ride medium tanks and heavy tanks in their Major Operations and Conquest games, and if you thought the selection was thin, do not worry."

They also discussed the issue of survivability, stating that the open beta tanks were too heavy, but when the more agile light tanks arrive at launch, the characteristics of the vehicle will be more relevant. and how the mortal tanks were against the infantry.These aspects will see new adjustments but, again, different types of tanks are good for different things: the heavy and medium can bear damage and better keep a zone, while the Light tanks are more efficient Medium tanks can be used for both depending on their specialization. "

Drag 5 of 5Battlefield V

You can learn more about the damage to vehicles and the flight aid in the video at the top of the article to learn more. Needless to say, the open beta has given them a lot to think about and hopefully the changes implemented will make the experience even greater.

Since it will be the most immersive Battlefield market entry, the success of this title is very important, especially with the introduction of Battle Royale for the very first time in the history of the franchise.

Players will be able to see all the customization changes and more when the game is launched on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 20th.

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