Devil May Cry 5 allows you to spend real money to upgrade characters


We recently had the opportunity to play Devil May Cry 5 at TGS. The in-camera demonstration featured Dante, the original star of the series, who is now considered a secondary Nero character in the new suite. During our demonstration, we met the Statue of the Godhead, which serves as a store where you can trade orbs collected during combat and exploration. In this menu, we discovered that players will be able to spend real money speeding up the upgrade process and strengthen Dante sooner than usual.

Sending to Hideaki Itsuno, director of Capcom's game, we wondered why this system was needed in a game like Devil May Cry 5, and the reason was familiar: it was about giving players the ability to play the desired game. "By giving people the opportunity to buy the Red Orbs, it's something we want to give people – if they want to save time and just want to get everything at the same time, these people can do it. not that you have to do all the moves, "said Itsuno. "You should be able to play it the way you want to play it."

It was a little surprising to discover that such a feature exists in Devil May Cry 5, but it's not the first game in the series to feature them – they were also part of Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition.

We also asked Itsuno how the presence of microtransactions would affect the learning process of the upcoming Devil May Cry, as our experience with these types of action games taught us that unlocking and unlocking the game is a challenge. Gradually learning new skills is a much more natural way to develop your skills. and gain higher performance ranks in combat.

"It's interesting because from the point of view of game design, we think of two different things when we set prices for moves, skills, and abilities. [which can be purchased with Red Orbs]He said, "The first thing is that the things we think people should want to get first are cheaper. So people will think, "Oh, it's not expensive, so I'm just going to buy that." But for things that will be harder to use and master, we're making it more expensive. Partly because you save for it, you will not be able to buy so many skills, so you will have the time to learn it. So you must make the decision to do the cheapest things or save, get what has a lot of applications, but you will have to spend time learning and perfecting.

To fully understand the impact of microtransactions on Devil May Cry 5, we will have to wait until spring 2019, when the games will come out and we will be able to get their hands on them. For more detailed impressions of our time with Dante, check out our video preview Devil May Cry 5. You can also see a new gameplay of Devil May Cry 5 Dante here.

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