Diablo 4: Blizzard really needs to be improved


Although that's what most fans wanted to see, Diablo 4 has not been announced at the BlizzCon 2018, with mobile spin-offs Diablo Immortal sat at the place of the major announcement of Diablo during the event. The reaction was not positive, as fans were dismayed that a Blizzard dedicated event was seen as the best place to unveil a game on a platform that often failed.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about this disaster is that Blizzard originally planned to announce Diablo 4 at the event, but decided to shoot it at the last minute. While this is a fun decision, fans can at least find solace in the fact that Diablo 4 happens, even though Blizzard still does not feel comfortable to announce the long-awaited main title Diablo after.

Related: Announcement Fiasco of the Immortal Diablo of the BlizzCon 2018: Our Thoughts

Whenever Blizzard is able to reveal Diablo 4, fans will probably have a wish list of what they want to see in the game. Although Diablo 3 It 's still very fun to play, it' s a game that was launched for the first time in 2012, and so there are a lot of improvements that can and should be made to this formula. Read on to find out what Blizzard can do to manufacture Diablo 4 awesome.

Remember the roots of Diablo in Diablo 4

Although many major advances have been made in the development of video games since Diablo 3 first launch, Blizzard should first step back and look at the origins of Diablo. There was a clear change of tone between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, with a slight movement towards a high fantasy setting and a greater variation in level design.

However, it did not work for everyone, and many fans would prefer Diablo maintain its dark Gothic roots and lugubrious palette. It's easy to see why, as well: Diablo 2 In particular, he stands out from his peers and remains a game in the tone that sounds right nowadays. Going back to that and moving away from a change of pace that some felt was too close to Warcraft for comfort, could really do Diablo 4 a big hit with fans.

On top of that, Blizzard should also keep in mind the heroes of the old games. A new list of playable characters would be nice, but the potential to unlock players like Necromancer in play would add a new way to keep players engaged, perhaps by fulfilling specific criteria as in Super Smash Bros. like a number of hours to play or beat the game at specific difficulty levels.

Accent the fighting game of Diablo 4

Although Diablo 3 is still a lot of fun, postponing gameplay as it is in a sequel could make it look a little old compared to some competitors. Blizzard would not need to reinvent the wheel because there is only too much to do with a hack isometric slash without it becoming something more cumbersome, but it's clear that whatever thing has to change here.

This can even be seen in other games that try to imitate the Diablo formula. Shadows: Awakening mix things up a bit with the ability to switch between characters and realms with just a push of a button, and although it's not something that Diablo 4 should directly have, it shows that with a little ingenuity, the repetitive click can have a new life breathed into it.

What might work well here is an extension of the dodge mechanism of the rollers that was introduced in the console version of Diablo 3. Adding a bit of nuance to this, and of course making it available to PC gamers, could give the player more agency. Better yet, a kind of parrying ability could also do the good of the world, and help to make Diablo the hack game is definitely slash on the market.

Sort this story Diablo 4

DiabloThe world of Sanctuary has a lot of promise. There is a depth to which we allude, and in particular the atmosphere of Diablo 2 created this feeling of a much larger universe apart from what the player saw. This is a series with some tradition behind, but it is fair to say that the franchise has never reached the peaks of a great storytelling.

The exact reason why the plot has not managed to get home is a topic of debate, but it's something that Blizzard might want to address. Diablo 3 perhaps the worst example of this, with a story that has attempted a much larger scope but that has failed to provide much attachment to the characters or issues.

Of course, the Diablo The franchise is not an area in which storytelling will be a priority, but offering a strong main plot could really give an extra boost to the game as a whole. Titles like the original Dragon Age have shown that different classes of characters can always lead to a deep story across the board, and relying on the potential that Diablo must create a powerful dark fantasy narrative could make all the difference to Diablo 4.

Page 2 of 2: Customization, cross-play and business model of Diablo 4

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