Diablo developer calls Blizzard for lack of respect for employees


Blizzard is under fire from fans since its announcement Diablo: Immortal, a mobile game that many will not feel the pedigree of previous games of the franchise. The choice to pursue the casual mobile market rather than focusing on hardcore PC gamers was seen as an alienation from the target audience of Diablo games. Now, a Twitch plague an original creator of Diablo has attracted attention for its vehement editor's vehement critics.

David Brevik worked as a lead developer on the original Diablo The game was released in 1996 and he left Blizzard in 2003. His wife is a regular at Twitch's streamer who passes by the junglequeen and Brevik was invited to attend. Way of exile flow to talk about the current state of the business.

Brevik said that Blizzard was more interested in the concern of its shareholders and the "1% of the elite of the company" than that of its workers. The changes made by Blizzard to the employee bonus program particularly annoyed him: "Why did you hurt us? Okay, we'll get rid of the [employee] incentive program. We do not like it. We do not like the fact that low-level employees make money at Blizzard. We are going to get rid of this program because we need more profits to increase the price of our shares and improve our shareholders and the elite, one percent of the company. "

However, the jab can be somewhat misplaced. According to Blizzard's response to Newsweek, although changes have been made to employee compensation at Blizzard, the employee engagement program specifically mentioned by Brevik is still in place. Brevik says he speculated on possible scenarios at Blizzard but did not have any concrete information on the situation.

The rage seems to have conquered a wide audience, with nearly half a million views on Twitch, because of the anger of Diablo Fans. Many waited Diablo 4 announced this year at Blizzcon and were greatly disappointed by the announcement of a mobile game. The announcement was greeted by the crowd and a fan asked if it was an "off-season April Fool's joke".

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