Diablo III: Eternal Collection – Helluva Perfect for Switch


Diablo III may seem strange to the Switch. It was born in 2012 as a role play and action for PC. Diablo III is filled with demons, evil and references to hell. It's not exactly Mario. Still, Diablo III is a fantastic choice for the Nintendo home console / console hybrid.

It is the eternal collection of Diablo III, which includes all past contents, including the Reaper of Souls extension and the Necromancer class. He leaves for Switch on November 2nd. The Diablo III ports for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (and previously for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) surprised me by showing how fun the game could be with a controller.

Now, the Switch version shows me that Diablo is perfect for portable games.

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Above: Fight together.

Image Credit: Blizzard

What you will like

Satisfactory action

Diablo III is about killing monsters and collecting loot, and you'll find plenty. Diablo III is fast. You fight almost always, and you constantly collect new items and gain levels. It's fun and satisfying because you're always getting stronger. And Diablo III has a lot of difficulty options, and making things harder gives better rewards. You become more powerful, but you can always have a challenge.

You have a choice of seven different classes and each one has a ton of capacity. Even two people playing in the same class may have different play styles depending on the spells that they choose to equip. A necromancer can focus on a building that creates corpses and uses them as bombs or can inflict most of their damage by emitting blood into the rings that also harm their health.

Even when you have spent a lot of time with one class, it's worth starting over with one of the other six.

Above: Get this loot.

Image Credit: Blizzard

Super on the run

Diablo III works very well as a portable game. It's easy to play in small bursts. You can just spend half an hour cleaning a dungeon or completing certain missions.

It also works wonderfully in Switch portable mode. I have never noticed framerate drops or other outstanding performance issues.

Above: They look ready to fight the evil and stuff.

Image Credit: Blizzard

Playing with friends

Other versions of the console showed how Diablo III could be fun as a cooperative sofa game. This is true for the Switch version, but you can also play in local multiplayer. If you have friends with their own consoles and a copy of the game, it's an even more convenient way to play together, because you do not have to share the same screen.

Above: Things can get hectic.

Image Credit: Blizzard

What you will not like

A lame campaign

The Diablo III campaign presents a lame story and characters filled with trope. It's forgettable and boring, and you'll have little reason to want to browse it more than once.

You do not have to play through the story. Adventure mode is unlocked at the beginning and allows you to enter directly into the action. It gives you a series of missions across the game worlds and gives you access to Rifts, random dungeons filled with monsters. This content is reproducible and rewarding, and it is better to play this way than in the campaign.

Above: Pew Pew Pew.

Image Credit: Blizzard


Diablo III on the Switch is my new favorite way to play the game. If you ignore the lame campaign, it's a captivating and rewarding action RPG experience in which you can play minutes or hours. And you will enjoy it alone or with friends.

If you've ever been a fan of Diablo III and own the switch, you'll have a great time with this port. If you're an Active Switch role-play owner, but you have not tried Diablo III yet, this is the perfect excuse to try the Demon-killing adventure.

Goal: 90/100

On November 2nd, Diablo: Eternal Collection will be released for Switch. Blizzard has sent GamesBeat a code for this review.

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