Diablo Immortal Left Me Surprisingly Impressed, But Some Questions Remain


To say that Diablo Immortal made a big impression on fans at BlizzCon 2018 would be putting it mildly. While it's not the kind of Diablo many have been expecting, the upcoming action-RPGs the traditional loot-oriented hack-and-slash gameplay to mobile devices, giving players another way to play the series on-the-go. While the mobile game looks and plays very similarly to the console editions of Diablo 3, Immortal focuses on a quick dungeon-crawler gameplay in bite-sized form.

At BlizzCon 2018, we spent some time diving in the game and spoke with designer Wyatt Cheng about the making of Immortal – made in collaboration with NetEase Games. As the first mobile exclusive game of the series, it uses a touch-screen interface for movement and combat, while also placing a larger focus on teaming up with other players. The announcement was largely made with a negative response from fans, many of whom were expecting the reveal of the next core entry in the series. Despite this, the developers for the Diablo lore, while standing alone alongside the other games.

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Interestingly enough, Immortal is set during the twenty year gap between Diablo 2 and 3, showing what many familiar heroes and villains are up to date. Pulling together six familiar heroes – the Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Wizard, and the Necromancer – you'll be able to get together in the Diablo 2. In our chat with the development team, they spoke about the current reception of the game has had, while also developing an immortal.

Diablo II, Lord of Destruction, and Diablo III, and we said, "All these events happened, so we should take a look at creating a game that explores that space in time," Cheng said, "We're in love with it's like Star Wars: Rogue One, which is an amazing movie. That movie takes place in between three and four, but it can be watched as a movie on its own. And it's a great movie on its own. But then you know, "Oh my goodness, this happened and that happened, and that's Vader, and whoa," and it completes the picture for you. "

During the 15-minute demo on hand at BlizzCon, we got a stronger sense of what Immortal aims to offer. When it comes to gameplay, the mobile title is very much in-line with previous Diablo games – albeit with a streamlined approach. Though its focus is still very much on the top of the game, there's more of an emphasis on online gameplay. MMO, we only have a limited access to the game, which is not easy to find. , and with dungeons allowing for up to four players to team up. Immortal will also have live-service model upon launch, which will add new content on a scheduled basis. But at this time, the developers will be immortal will be free-to-play or a paid title.

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As is the case for bringing about mobile games, there's usually some initial apprehension. I certainly felt that when I was trying to figure out how to work with people, I would like to work with them. With that said, Immortal felt pretty smooth after spending some time adjusting. Movement is controlled through the left side of the screen, while being able to move towards a particular area of ​​the screen. Picking up loot and activating objects in the environment are entirely contextual, allowing you to tap the screen to interact with them.

While immortal is a more simplified take-a-click-on-the-mechanics mechanics of previous games – dropping the mana resources in favor of skills cooldowns, for instance – it still very much retains all the familiar and core mechanics of a Diablo game. I actually found myself enjoying the game much more than I thought I would, which surprised me. With recent advances in mobile tech, Immortal appears visually similar to the Switch release, which is impressive. The developers were keen on trying out something different with the series, and they were moving on the next big step.

"We really rely on people here at BlizzCon who can play the demo," said the game designer. "Because I think, Chris Metzen mentioned it in our first panel, he's like, 'When I first heard about the project I was skeptical.' And I think it's reasonable in today's world, we're going to go out and say, 'No, no, no, seriously, guys.' I was at BlizzCon I played the demo, it was awesome. ' Hopefully that word of mouth spreads. "

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There's still a lot of things to do with Diablo Immortal, and at this time, which certainly feels like it's working against it. The first impression is made at BlizzCon, and will continue to be discussed. With that said, Immortal has gotten the core framework and mechanics down to mobile devices in an impressive way. While it is not Diablo 4, it's also clear that it's not trying to be. I do not see it as a true replacement for Diablo 3 – the recent Switch version will keep me going for sometime – but I can see myself playing this game during my usual downtime. I was surprisingly pleased with how immortal played, and it will be interesting to see how the game will be released in 2019.

For more info about all the content from BlizzCon 2018, including the trailer for Ashe, and the revelation of Warcraft III: Reforged, be sure to check out GameSpot for more coverage.

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