Diablo: Immortal team eliminates fan shock at BlizzCon


At the BlizzCon fan conference in Anaheim, California, Blizzard revealed Diablo: Immortal. This is the next entry in the action adventure franchise and role play, and she arrives on mobile at an indeterminate time in the future.

It's a complete Diablo experience that allows players to face hordes of enemies as a Necromancer, Assassin and several other classes. Blizzard collaborates with the Chinese publisher Netease Games on the project and it seems to be adapted in many ways to the Chinese public.

Oh, and another thing – the fans seem really crazy about it.

Since Diablo's YouTube channel posted revelation trailers, fans have already voted 26,000 times. This compares to only 1,000 positive votes. Although negative reviews on a video have, at best, a tenuous link to all real-world behavior, fans have tried to show their dissatisfaction with games in the past.

In 2016, many Call of Duty fans expressed their disillusionment with the science fiction elements of Infinite Warfare by hastily moving the trailer of revelations to YouTube. This video garnered 3.7 million negative votes, against 593,000 "I like". This makes it one of the most unhappy posts in Google's video platform.

Blizzard defends Diablo Immortal

For this new Diablo, this online reaction has spread to the real world at BlizzCon. At the panel's "Next Steps for Diablo", a fan put the development team on the spot.

"I have a question: is it an April fish joke off season," the man asked.

Without wasting time, the Diablo team explained why she is happy to work on Immortal.

"Everyone here is a player," said Diablo: Immortal boss Wyatt Cheng. "We play games on all platforms. We are very excited to create a new mobile Diablo game. "

And Matthew Diablo's senior designer, Matthew Berger, explained that the new lessons learned by the team will be used to improve future versions of Diablo.

"Whenever we have launched a new Diablo game, especially on a new platform, we have improved the experience and brought this feature to other versions of the game," Berger said. "The world of Diablo is vibrant. It's one of the best times to be part of the Diablo community. The future is … good, not brilliant, because Sanctuary is dark. But your future, as a fan, is promising. "

But why?

The last question from fans has brought some fans' concerns to a more specific point: "Why bring on the mobile?"

Berger said his team was still trying to reach more people and that mobile was a great way to do it. But it's also about the platform itself, according to Cheng.

"If you look at the specifications of a cell phone today and compare it to a computer just five years ago … we are walking around with supercomputers in our pockets," Cheng said. "And we want to make a game in itself for that."

Diablo's team concluded by saying that Diablo Immortal did not want to say that it would not make more games for PC or console. These always happen. The company has basically said that the next traditional Diablo is in preparation. In the meantime, fans can give this mobile version a chance … or maybe not.

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