DICE still targets 64 players for its possible Battlefield V Battle Royale mode


Not what I expected

When I think of "Battlefield", I think "the big player counts". I remember jumping Battlefield 1942 For the first time in my computer, I am impressed by the battles of vehicles with 64 players, a rarity at the time (it was usually one or the other). So when I hear 16 years later, EA and DICE are targeting 64 players for Battlefield VIn royal battle mode, I am naturally disappointed.

Addressing VG247, Ryan MacArthur, Director of Live Services Development, said that when Firestorm (their interpretation of the Battle Royale genre) falls in March 2019, "the current goal is 64 players" – as a game / royal battle mode that usually targets 100. MacArthur says they want to "feel like Battlefield, "which is a rather admirable goal that DICE intends to use to allow it to separate from the pack, but that might not be enough to break the cap.

After being squeezed by the potential of a higher number of players in the future, VG247 has been shut down. This … could be the case for Firestorm's high range, but EA intends to share more information on the mode that preceded its launch in March. J & # 39; hope.

"The current target is 64 players" in Battle Royale Battlefield 5 mode [VG247]

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