Disney Parks Play Tries To Play The Queue Experience In Disney Theme Parks


I have not been to Walt Disney World for a long time, but my friends who have been there recently with their families have poignant stories of crowds, lines and warmth. Disney seems to be aware of the sore spots that sap some of the joy of visiting one of its theme parks, and its new app called Play Disney Parks is an attempt to alleviate some of these discomforts. Now, queuing up and making their way through hordes of other distressed families can be more fun, perhaps?

Play Disney Parks was officially launched on June 30, although it seems to have landed on the Play Store a few days ago. The free application promises to "turn the time of waiting into play time" by offering users a selection of games, quizzes and achievements to unlock while enjoying their stay at Walt Disney World in Florida or at Disneyland California


After opening the application and granting permissions for location services (optional), notifications (enabled by default) and Bluetooth connectivity (enabled by default), you can choose the location of Disney. re at. You do not need to sign in to a Disney account to use the app, but you will need it if you want to accumulate success. Some parks are waiting to be added to Play Disney Parks, including "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge", which arrives at Disneyland in the summer of 2019 and Walt Disney World at the end of the year. Autumn 2019.

Once you've chosen a theme park, you'll see an interactive map with colorful animations and graphics. Pressing the Mickey Mouse icon in the upper left corner will take you to your profile page; Press the up arrow in the upper right corner to return to the previous screen. I'm not sure what the arrow in the bottom left corner is supposed to do or transmit – tapping does not do anything for me, and it does not change color if I disable location authorization. Each white icon on the map opens a gamification function.

Touching a question mark icon on the map opens a quiz about that particular location. There is no time limit, and the app does not make you feel bad if you score low. (This is a draft horse, by the way.)

When you press a star on the map, you may gain an achievement after completing the corresponding attraction. This feature requires Bluetooth and location permissions are granted.

By tapping a larger icon on the map containing a single image related to the attraction, you open a game that you can play with other Play Disney Parks users who are waiting in the same line. This feature requires that location permission be granted, of course.

If you are planning a trip to one of the Walt Disney World or Disneyland in the near future and want to give Play Disney Parks a try, download the. application from the Play Store using the widget below. Early reviews of the Android app include feature reports that do not work very well, so keep expectations in check

  Play Disney Parks
  Play Disney Parks
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