"Do not be mean", "Not OK, Google", protest against workers who are victims of sexual harassment

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Google employees who were demonstrating had stories to share: images of naked women included in office presentations. A manager tells two employees not to let employees down. Deny benefits to minority groups.

Thursday morning in the city of San Francisco, shortly after 11 am, dozens of Google employees – in coordination with employees of the offices of the Internet giant around the world – rallied to protest the treatment reserved by Google to allegations of sexual harassment. The arrival came after a New York Times report that Google had quietly given a $ 90 million exit package to former ruler Andy Rubin after a co-worker accused him of coercion. and that Google had found his request credible.

Rubin called the allegations a "smear campaign". Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, said Thursday: "Moments like this show that we have not always done things right and that we are committed to doing better."

This assurance was not enough for employees leaving Google's offices in London, Tokyo, Mountain View, California and elsewhere to face the latest employee retaliation, Pichai and Alphabet's CEO, Alpry. Over the past year, as a wave of employee activism has spread to West Coast technology companies, Pichai has protested against his military contracts, his fledgling Chinese search engine projects, and how he managed the diversification efforts of his companies and the Asian workforce.

Cathy Bi, Google Product Manager, led the songs at San Francisco's Palm Ring Square. "How many of you have a story that was not told because you were scared, did not feel safe, or feared retaliation? Bi said that she did not submit her own allegations for fear of reprisals.

Organizers of the event shared a list of demands: equal pay, cessation of forced arbitration in case of harassment and discrimination, and more structured reporting of harassment, including a transparency report on sexual harassment disclosed publicly.

Event leaders read anonymous stories told by other Googlers colleagues: "In 2014, my club's team was the subject of a boys club culture. I personally reported a team manager for including an image of a lighter shaped nude woman in her presentation. When the lighter was on, the breasts lit up and this team LOVED it. I sent this presentation to Human Resources and talked to them. He received a warning and the same year he was awarded the Manager of the Year award. "

Men and women in the crowd outside the San Francisco Ferry Building displayed signs saying "I reported and he was promoted" and "Happy to leave for $ 90 million – no sexual harassment is not necessary ".

Others wore t-shirts bearing the inscription "Black Lives Matter" and "Phenomenal Latina". Christian Boyd, marketing specialist on Google, held a sign bearing the symbol "Black women." "It's very important for me to be a representation of black women in this business because we are the most under-represented group at Google," said Boyd. "I will be very disappointed if Google does not make any changes."

Google employee Rana Abdelhamid protests sexual misconduct at #GoogleWalkout addressForbes

Pichai's initial response, after revealing that Google had fired 48 people for sexual harassment without an exit package, had not satisfied the employees, prompting the CEO to apologize a second time. The protesters said the situation reflected structural problems with the company.

"I left the room today because at the moment our workplace is not a safe place for all women, especially those living at the crossroads of multiple identities," he said. Rana Abdelhamid, marketing specialist at Google Cloud. "We want more than the intention to say that things will happen, we need to see structures grow to make the reports more accessible," Abdelhamid said.


Google employees who were demonstrating had stories to share: images of naked women included in office presentations. A manager tells two employees not to let employees down. Deny benefits to minority groups.

Thursday morning in the city of San Francisco, shortly after 11 am, dozens of Google employees – in coordination with employees of the offices of the Internet giant around the world – rallied to protest the treatment reserved by Google to allegations of sexual harassment. The arrival came after a New York Times report that Google had quietly given a $ 90 million exit package to former ruler Andy Rubin after a co-worker accused him of coercion. and that Google had found his request credible.

Rubin called the allegations a "smear campaign". Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, said Thursday: "Moments like this show that we have not always done things right and that we are committed to doing better."

This assurance was not enough for employees leaving Google's offices in London, Tokyo, Mountain View, California and elsewhere to face the latest employee retaliation, Pichai and Alphabet's CEO, Alpry. Over the past year, as a wave of employee activism has spread to West Coast technology companies, Pichai has protested against his military contracts, his fledgling Chinese search engine projects, and how he managed diversification efforts and the Asian workforce.

Cathy Bi, Google Product Manager, led the songs at San Francisco's Palm Ring Square. "How many of you have a story that was not told because you were scared, did not feel safe, or feared retaliation? Bi said that she did not submit her own allegations for fear of reprisals.

Organizers of the event shared a list of demands: equal pay, cessation of forced arbitration in case of harassment and discrimination, and more structured reporting of harassment, including a transparency report on sexual harassment disclosed publicly.

Event leaders read anonymous stories told by other Googlers colleagues: "In 2014, my club's team was the subject of a boys club culture. I personally reported a team manager for including an image of a lighter shaped nude woman in her presentation. When the lighter was on, the breasts lit up and this team LOVED it. I sent this presentation to Human Resources and talked to them. He received a warning and the same year he was awarded the Manager of the Year award. "

Men and women in the crowd outside the San Francisco Ferry Building displayed signs saying "I reported and he was promoted" and "Happy to leave for $ 90 million – no sexual harassment is not necessary ".

Others wore t-shirts bearing the inscription "Black Lives Matter" and "Phenomenal Latina". Christian Boyd, marketing specialist on Google, held a sign bearing the symbol "Black women." "It's very important for me to be a representation of black women in this business because we are the most under-represented group at Google," said Boyd. "I will be very disappointed if Google does not make any changes."

Google employee Rana Abdelhamid protests sexual misconduct at #GoogleWalkout addressForbes

Pichai's initial response, after revealing that Google had fired 48 people for sexual harassment without an exit package, had not satisfied the employees, prompting the CEO to apologize a second time. The protesters said the situation reflected structural problems with the company.

"I left the room today because at the moment our workplace is not a safe place for all women, especially those living at the crossroads of multiple identities," he said. Rana Abdelhamid, marketing specialist at Google Cloud. "We want more than the intention to say that things will happen, we need to see structures grow to make the reports more accessible," Abdelhamid said.

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