Does P.T. Disable the Update of a Concern or Halloween Hoax?


Internet users began to panic this afternoon when the rumor began to spread quickly as Konami P.T., the demo for the now canceled Silent hills, was being fixed with a new 1.01 update that would officially lock those who still own the game.

Before you know it, these stories ended up on the biggest Internet platforms – examples of Reddit and Twitter– and began to spread the message that P.T. was finally dead, even for those who had hidden the game on their hard drives before it was removed from the PlayStation Store in 2015. With the punching bag that Konami has become in recent years, many have easily come to the conclusion that this story was 100% true, even without checking it for themselves.

And that's the problem of this story from now on: it may be wrong. What is my proof? Well, I'm watching P.T. right now on my TV in front of me.

Yes, if there is a new update 1.01 for P.T. which was rejected, it is not the one that my PS4 could find. When I went to P.T. file on my PS4, I manually selected the prompt "Check for updates" and I was found without anything. My own version of P.T. Always works the same way as ever, and the same can be said of several other writers here at DualShockers who have tested this on their own.

This is a conclusion that others on the Internet have seemed to reach as well. I would say that the vast majority of comments I read from many have stated that their own versions of P.T. always work perfectly. Some said they could no longer access the game, but these comments are rare. Plus, with a game like P.T. It is not already possible to download and play directly, so it is difficult to know if members of this group may be facing problems in obtaining the usual licenses that require you to access them at the beginning.

Does P.T. Disable the Update of a Concern or Halloween Hoax?

The screen capture in question that was transmitted on social media to view the hotfix 1.01.

I have also seen many people claim that Konami was to send this new patch 1.01 "in waves" over the next few days and weeks instead of doing everything at the same time. To conclude with my two cents, this conclusion seems to be a mistake. When developers and publishers publish new game updates, they are usually released simultaneously. It seems unlikely that this new 1.01 dangerous patch will slip on your PS4 in the middle of the night over the next few days.

Of all that I have examined so far, I simply do not think this story has any legitimacy. At least not yet. I do not know if it's the work of someone who is trying to make a joke for Halloween with a potentially photoshopped picture (seen above), or if it's actually a thing that's is produced. If this is the last case, I would really like to know more about why only a handful of people received this update rather than everyone else. For the moment though, I think you'd better keep your Konami complaints for another day.

To date, we have contacted the Konami representatives to obtain an official statement regarding this situation. They did not respond to our request before the publication of this article, but we will not fail to update you if we receive one.

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