Dragon Age 4 will be "what a Dragon Age should be"


BioWare could plan to introduce live storytelling into future games Mass Effect and Dragon Agebut that will not radically change the fundamentals of each series.

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Yesterday, we reported that the new games Mass Effect and Dragon Age could begin to evolve to online games, like the next big game BioWare. Anthem. BioWare has confirmed that a new dragon age is in preparation, and key sources say it will be a live match (he also hinted that a new mass effect is in the early stages). With live services, the studio could continually evolve the story at a much faster and more efficient pace, while gradually changing the worlds of the game, said Mark Darrah and Mike Gamble, developers at BioWare, in a panel PAX West. But that led many to believe that his beloved RPG series would turn into microtransaction services.

BioWare CEO Casey Hudson wants to assure us that this will not happen – the upcoming Dragon Age and Mass Effect games will be built around the heart of each respective series, implying that if live services are included, they will be optional rather than forced online experiences only.

"Some weird stuff about how our future games will be influenced by Anthem Of course, when we do a Dragon Age game, it will be entirely designed based on what should be Dragon Age. BioWare CEO Casey Hudson recently said Tweet.

"Anthem is a specific thing that is unique compared to our other IPs.What's good is what we learn about game design, which is a constant evolution."

In the PAX West panel, executive producer Mark Darrah was asked how Anthem will affect future BioWare games.

He has answered:

"One of the things we really did in the anthem is to focus a lot of attention on Fort Tarsis [the in-game hub world]. [With agents and their interactions] This is the main place of the reactive narrative. As a result, we pushed Tarsis further than ever before.

"It's a more responsive space, a more alive and alive space, and I think in the upcoming Dragon Age games or other games, you'll see that responsiveness, this depth in our hubs was able to come out in there. hymn. "

Anthem, the ambitious new multiplayer online studio game, will be released on February 22, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

The studio has not yet officially announced the upcoming Dragon Age game.

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