DrDisRespect says that "PUBG" is a "hacking" compared to the "Call of Duty" power outage


The popular Twitch DrDisRespect streamer compared Battlefields of PlayerUnknown at Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout mode and called the game of PUBG Corp. "a hack" when sized alongside the Treyarch Royal Battle Project.

A regular of the royal battle genre who spends his time playing PUBG and Fortnite, DrDisRespect took to Black Ops 4 Blackout mode once the open beta has started and played throughout the test period. Thanks to live videos on Twitch and YouTube videos like the one shown below, DrDisRespect showed Treyarch's royal battle mode and won several victories.

Now that the beta is over and Blackout is removed Black Ops 4 the liberations in october the doctor came back to PUBG, but not without comparing it to Blackout. In the Twitch clip above, he comments on how weird it is to be PUBG and said that he had no complaints about being fooled in Blackout. He said it was like he was being shot at Call of Duty & # 39; s royal battle mode but after being shot and eliminated in the PUBG match, he said that the same feeling was not present in the game of PUBG Corp.

"Even if I jump and take a look," he said about the player who eliminated him, "all of a sudden, as he looks at him, he does not even look at me. It's indirect. It's so fake. This game is such a hack. "

In Twitch's full video clip, DrDisRespect played a player towards the end of the match before he was shot down and finished with a grenade. The perspective gave the impression that the adversary was looking at the side instead of looking directly at him, and although he laughed when he was shot, it was right after that scene that the streamer dropped his usual character for to speak frankly about the differences between PUBG and Blackout. In reference to PUBG just before the clip above started, he hinted that his time spent in PUBG could be temporary saying "three more weeks of this game" and that he hated PUBG before asking people to excuse his language and continue the comparisons of the clip.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and his Royal Blackout battle mode is scheduled for October 12th.

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