Dreadnought developer fires one-third of its workforce a few days after the game's release


The developer of the multiplayer shooter Dreadnought has just fired a third of his staff a few days after the release of the game.

Six Foot layoff information was first revealed by Game Informer, who said employees have long been aware of the developer's financial problems. Earlier this summer, the studio's director, Matt Ballesteros, organized a team meeting informing staff that the company had enough money to continue for a few months and that employees were free to leave without judgment, according to the report.

The precarious situation led the team to try to complete the game as quickly as possible, a developer having told Game Informer that he was feeling "both squeezed and witless". Dreadnought launched mixed reviews on Steam earlier this week. Shortly thereafter, 45 employees were given the opportunity to take a leave of absence or leave without pay, hoping to return if Dreadnought earned more money.

Six Foot's chief operating officer, Christian Svensson, later confirmed that "about a third" of his developers had been fired and that the studio's recruiting team was helping outgoing employees find a new job. His statement, made Thursday, reads as follows:

"In August, Six Foot informed its staff of the potential for major changes to our company structure, including the ongoing development of Dreadnought as an active product.

"All members of the games team had the opportunity to stay and continue to work or start looking for other opportunities with the full support of the company and the help of our team Recruitment, while receiving salary in the meantime Updates on the company Statutes were sent to the full team every two weeks from there.

"Today, we unfortunately confirm a reduction of about one third of our workforce of developers.We continue to make available all the resources of our society to help affected people and their families to get up the most. quickly possible.

"We remain committed to the development, growth and pursuit of new Dreadnought projects, and we are committed to staying active in helping our affected family transition as smoothly as possible."

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