Duck and cover: disable the automatic update of Windows, block the upgrade of Win10 1809


The September patches looked good for a while, then we were hit four big cumulative updates bugged Win10. Windows and Office fixes from August went well despite a last minute precipitation to fix the bugs introduced in the previous patches. The July patches, however, left almost all versions of Windows look like a zombie apocalypse.

With his function of deleted documents and swelling list of bugs of version 1809, The correction of October has up to now leaded new depths, even by Microsoft standards. On a scale of 1 to 10, we are sitting in the depths of the Mariana pit.

And to top it off – even after upgrading the 1809 upgrade – Microsoft has not yet revealed its intentions regarding its intentions regarding this month's update. We do not know if the company intends to proceed with the announced launch of upgrades to the Win9 version 1809 or if it still licks its wounds. In addition, we do not even know what injuries exist – which triggers the deletion of data on upgraded machines or how to prevent it. All we have are the usual assurances that everything is copacetic, that Microsoft has the tools to help you. Yes indeed.

All we know is that the Win10 1809 upgrade was ripped off, and it will be restored at some point in the future. It remains to be seen if this future includes the patch on Tuesday. We do not know. Nobody said.

If you leave automatic updates turned off as a result of what we saw last week, I salute you. Someone must walk with a "Kick Me" sign stuck on their backs.

For the sensitive part of the Windows universe, now is the time to make sure the automatic update is disabled. At some point you will have to update, but for now, it is useless to fan the Windows bear.

How to block Windows Update

The methods of blocking Windows Update are quite simple.

If you use Windows 7 or 8.1, click Start> Control Panel> System and Security. In Windows Update, click the "Enable or disable automatic update" link. Click on the "Change Settings" link on the left. Check that important updates are set to "Never check for updates (not recommended)", and then click OK.

If you use Windows 10 Pro version 1703, 1709, 1803 or 1809 (!), and Microsoft does not change its mind again, you can use the built-in Windows tools to protect yourself from impending fixes – just follow steps 7 and 8 of 8 Steps to Install Windows 10 Hotfixes Like a Pro. Other Windows 10 users, including all Win10 Home owners, are not so lucky, but the general approach of the "measured meter" is detailed in Win10Tip from Woody: Block Forced Windows Updates.

If you are a Paranoid Pro, it would be wise to use both the advanced options update approach and the measured connection approach. You can never have too much protection.

To keep your machine on 1703, 1709 or 1803 – and avoid the train wreck known as the 1809 version – follow the steps detailed in "How to block the update Windows 10 October 2018, version 1809, of the installation"Yes, Microsoft canceled the 1809 upgrade, but we do not know when they could suddenly change their minds or have any other" oops "experience and suddenly forget to honor their own settings.

No reason to move to Win10 1809 so soon

In case this is not obvious, there is absolutely no reason to upgrade to Win9 version 1809 anytime in the foreseeable future. the miserly functionality improvements (most of which are readily available in third-party add-ons) do not justify the trauma of installing a completely new operating system.

Supposedly, Microsoft is abandoning the security patches for Win10 version 1703 as of tomorrow, Patch Tuesday. That's a bit of a problem for me and some of you because we still use 1703. It's not clear if the 1703 security patches will actually stop on October 9th – there is always a chance (would I dare say it's likely?) tomorrow's patches will be fixed later in the month. But it is clear that the 1703 days are numbered in double digits.

More on the month is taking place ..

We are at MS-DEFCON 1 on the AskWoody Lounge.

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