EA Confirms Command & Conquer Classic Games Remasters Will Not Have Microtransactions


Jim Vessella, producer of Electronic Arts, answered questions about Reddit about the remasters ordered and conquered that they recently teased. There is not much information in threadbut it's a project that probably took a few years and is still in the planning stage. However, in response to a question, Vessella confirmed that "we will not add any microtransactions to a C & C Remaster".

Which is nice. Little interest has been said, Vessella asking rather questions to fans about what they would like to see. "Would you like to see an updated balancing or a more robust user interface?" he wrote. "For example, would you like to see the C & C3 style tabs and the unit selection sidebar in any of the classic games?"

Balancing has been a concern for many fans, who fear that new versions of classic games will be modified to make them more compatible with sports. "Should the balance be the same as the classic versions or should it be rebalanced to make it more appropriate?" Vessella asked.

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