EA defies the decision of the Belgian loot box, setting up a potential "gambling" trial


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Enlarge / The Belgian government claims that this type of random gambling cards is a form of gambling. EA is firm in its disagreement.

In the months that followed, the Belgian Gaming Commission determined that some hacker lockers were an illegal game, and publishers like Blizzard, Valve, and Take-Two removed loot boxes from their games in the country. Electronic Arts, however, has not yet removed random elements from its recent FIFA games, a decision that seems ready to fight in court.

Reports translated by the Belgian newspapers Niewsblad and Metro suggest that the Belgian gaming commission has now seized the country's public prosecutor's office, which is investigating the matter.

Such a lawsuit would then go before a judge, which can be a legal battle that EA research. During a conference call in May, EA's chief financial officer, Andrew Wilson, said the FIFA are not a form of play. This is "firstly because players always receive a specified number of items in each pack, and secondly, we do not provide nor allow any means of doing so". cash or sell virtual items or currency for real money, "Wilson said.

"We work with all industry associations around the world and with regulators in various territories and territories, [and] have established that programs such as FIFA Ultimate Team do not play, "said Wilson at the time (EA was not immediately available to respond to a request for comment).

While government agencies in Belgium and the Netherlands have determined that "loot boxes" are a form of gambling, the UK and New Zealand commissions have come to the opposite conclusion. In the United States, the legislators of several states and the US Senate are examining the issue, but no law has yet been passed.

Electronic Arts has revealed the chances for FIFAUltimate Team cards from July were adopted, which did not stop some players from spending five-digit sums on digital trading cards.

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