Easily the best shooter of 2018


Battlefield V aims to give players everything they want, and although most of the DICE developer's promises regarding what this WWII-inspired shooter will be and will offer will only come later, which is available at the moment the launch is excellent.

Maybe a strange thing on the paper to see Battlefield V in the past, especially after Call of Duty: World War II has done the same thing recently and since the last entry dates back to the First World War, the frame plays on the strengths and origins of the franchise. Battlefield V tells the story of WWII stories and stories just explored in multimedia entertainment, and while history is absolutely secondary in this game, BFV the multiplayer mode is perhaps already the best on the market.

Related: Battlefield V Battle Royale and Coop Modes Not Released Before Spring 2019

Battlefield V takes the first-person experience of large-scale brand Electronic Arts brand, affine, student and adds. It's better balanced between teams (partly thanks to the design of the map), and better balanced between classes than Battlefield 1 and it removes the weird browser-based Battlelog system required to match in Battlefield 3 & 4. It even removes all the booty boxes from these games and avoids anything that might recall problematic systems and system design. Star Wars Battlefront securities.

Battlefield V is designed to be simply the best shooter on the market.

Battlefield V is the long-time shooting fans, and certainly shooters fans in general, have waited for. And it's absolutely beautiful. No word can describe how this game is optimized and visually impressive. The best and most detailed destruction we've ever seen in a game like this, going through incredible weather and lighting effects, up to the little things that players will take for granted. Run or roll in the tall grass and observe a created path, watch the other players spin in the mud or in the water and see them animate differently, dive aside in a supine position and see how the character bends over. There is no shooter out there who does all this, and does it so well. And it's hardly scratching the surface of how well-crafted Battlefield V is.

Most important though, Battlefield V play and run oh so well. The shooting is fast and the return is perfect. Auto Leaning and Coverage work better than in previous games, and players have a lot of control over their character. Run and jump through the windows or crush the doors effortlessly, ride the walls and dive into a covered position. Dive even back and see your feet in front of you while aiming or moving. Everything works and controls exactly how the players wish, so much so that other triple-A shooters feel dated by comparison.

… other triple-A shooters feel dated by comparison.

The main gameplay has never been as good as in Battlefield V and there are some changes added to the game loop that reinforce the experience. A key change is how health works: players receive a pack of drugs from the start that allows them to replenish themselves from near-goal health stations or team doctors (similar to ammo with support characters and refueling stations, or to recover them). fallen enemies). This gives players the opportunity to retire or stay away for a second longer to catch their breath, makes the health system even more useful and gives players the reason to build health posts and strengthen their positions basic. The nurses can quickly heal any teammate shot down, but a change in this game is to ensure that the teammates shot down are also revived by any other teammate, regardless of their class. It's just slower and you do not recover all your health.

Fortifications are another entirely new element added to the Battlefield formula in this game, where each player can build makeshift walls, deposit sandbags or cables, mount windows, build refueling stations for vehicles and infantry, and essentially partially rebuild destroyed structures (of which there will be many in each multiplayer mode) meeting). This is a neat system that seems useful for blocking the enemy's access routes, but using and building this type of coverage is slow and risky, jeopardizing the players who take the time to build or use this coverage. And since Battlefield V is based on the goal, fortifying a position that could quickly become that of the enemy is counterintuitive.

What is Battlefield V Come (and what remains to come)?

Battlefield V launches with eight cards that can be played through its set of basic modes, starred by the traditional Conquest and Grand Operations – the last being a spin Battlefield 1 & # 39; s Operation mode where players face up to four days in the game, starting with a team parachuting into the battle, moving through different areas of the map at different times of the day and indulging themselves to a war of wear.

On a PC, all servers have 32 or 64 players, it seems, so that not all modes seem accessible, but there are a variety of experiences based on targets, heavy vehicles or infantry . This is the daily bread of any multiplayer experience and the variety of maps (deserts, snowy mountains and green fields) is impressive.

A very small campaign is available in Battlefield V through his three war stories (a fourth later). In total, this represents approximately three hours of play spread over three separate stories on different theaters of war. The campaign has a good work on the characters, but the mission designs associated with them are generic and hampered by sluggish cinematics and video game gadgets. Each type of game begins with a more linear and intimate gameplay scenario, followed by more open segments with multiple goals scattered around larger cards. There is less polishing here than in multiplayer (there is a section where the player has skis but they disappear under the snow and do not affect the snow) but the War Stories seemed designed to put worth different types of players that players will find in multiplayer. Think of it as a multiplayer tutorial with interesting stories that highlight parts of World War II that were not usually explored otherwise.

What is interesting with Battlefield V As a product, it is clearly designed for the long term. A war story displayed in the menu is not yet available, for example, and the game's Combined Arms cooperative mode will not even be released until March. It is also at this point that players will be able to play in Royal Battle Firestorm mode. From here on, other elements will also appear, from another map to a range practice area. These features and additional content packs are provided as part of Battlefield V's Tides of War, a totally free live service that aims to keep players invested by the ongoing evolution and growth of the game. It's here that more rewards and challenges will be added to the game. experience. Considering what Battlefield V bundled with, and what comes in (for free), the game offers incredible value. DICE and EA are trying to prove something with this one.

NEXT: (Page 2 of 2): Battlefield V Swag, Microtransactions and Final Thoughts

Our side:

4.5 out of 5 (to play absolutely)

Key release dates

  • Battlefield V (video game 2018) release date: Nov. 20, 2018

Grindelwald, a fantastic beast, has been part of the Harry Potter films since 2001

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