eBay now wants to sell you a wireless plan with your smartphone on the spot


Those who are looking for a discounted smartphone will often turn to eBay to find an occasional device or unwanted gift that someone sells at a bargain price. Now, eBay wants you to buy a prepaid wireless plan at the same time.

The e-commerce giant has partnered with the Red Pocket Mobile Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in the United States to sell a SIM card and plan at checkout.

Choose your plan

Apple's new iPhones are now in the wild, so there will probably be a crowd of people looking to unload their old iPhones to make room for their new brilliant device. And if you go on a hunt on eBay for any of them, you will now see a little box downstairs inviting you to sign up for an unlimited 30-day wireless plan offered by Red Pocket for $ 29. .

Above: eBay: Phone list with wireless plan

On the next screen, you can actually switch to a 360 day plan, with different options available.

Above: eBay wireless plan: make your choice

For Red Pocket Mobile, this agreement is obvious in terms of elevation compared to the myriad of other MVNO players – eBay is one of the world's largest markets for the purchase and sale of phones, with one sold all the four seconds in the United States.

For eBay, this is a lucrative advance in the area of ​​mobile phone plans, where it is likely to reduce Red Pocket's sales. The reason he chose Red Pocket Mobile is that the MVNO actually allows subscribers to choose one of the major networks they want to use, which is essential because coverage varies depending on where you are in the network. country.

"Red Pocket Mobile is the natural partner for us to launch our complimentary wireless plan," said David Grim, head of the eBay category. "As Red Pocket operates on all major US networks, their service can be applied to almost all the millions of phones sold on eBay."

It may also be worth comparing with FreedomPop, a well-financed MVNO that offers SIM cards with free basic mobile service plans. A few years ago, FreedomPop shook its roots in the wireless plan and adopted eBay with its own online store for refurbished smartphones. It is therefore interesting to see eBay evolve by selling MVNO wireless plans.

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