Elon Musk offers & # 39; Half-Life 3 & # 39; Hope, a big "no" on "Fallout: New Vegas"


By now, you've probably heard of Elon Musk's epic trolling session against Fortnite and even the answer of the gaming studio, but the engineering engineer has not finished with his game ideas yet, because it offers hope for a franchise while crushing the dreams of ################################################################ 39, another.

So first, the bad news. Fallout: New Vegas recently made headlines with rumors that Microsoft has acquired the game's studio, Obsidian Entertainment. Given that the RPG's 8th anniversary has just passed, it is understandable that many fans are thinking of the Mojave Desert. Just … do not expect Musc to be one of those hopes:

But there is a silver lining. We all know that Half-Life 3 This will hardly ever happen, even if it does not stop us from praying every night the guys from Valve. When a Twitter user said that he should just buy Valve and give us franchises like Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, and Portal, he responded with a simple "C & # 39; is the next."

As a big fan of Valve games, I can make a hundred percent contribution to this lot. This is the kind of innovative thinking we need in the world and it is the kind of innovative thinking that promotes peace in the world. I'm just saying.

The big thing is that all this parody Fortnite An article that was a meme of the larger genre sparked quite hilarious community interactions and offers for pretty much world domination. If world domination gives us Half-Life 3, so – well, so be it:

So what do you think of the hilarious Twitter "beef" – and good mood? Are you team Fortnite or are you Team Musk? Join the conversation in the comment section below!

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