Epic pursues Fortnite streamers over misleading advertising


Epic Games filed a lawsuit against two streamers for posting videos of cheats in Fortnite and prompting users to buy these cheat tools. Brandon Lucas, who is known as "Golden Modz", is being prosecuted for violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, breach of contract and "tortious interference". Colton Conter ("Excentric"), who often appears with Lucas in his throws, was also named in the pursuit.

Engadget reports that Epic is demanding that Lucas' and Conter's earnings be released – which gives him an extra share of their profits since they were obtained unfairly – as well as standard damages and interest charges. justice. He also asked YouTube to shoot several videos. The studio does not really need money, so the strict legal position seems to be mainly aimed at sending a message to cheaters.

Lucas, for his part, said that other streamers had similar behavior and that he therefore did not view his videos as problematic.

Cheating is an ubiquitous problem for Fortnite. In addition to the usual reasons to protect the sanctity of its game, Epic has reasons to worry about phishing schemes of sites claiming to give versions compatible with cheating. The studio is looking to reinforce its anti-cheat mechanisms in the game itself, but cutting the source by deterring streamers from promoting the cheats could help mitigate the need for these later steps.

For help in making progress in the past, check out our challenges guide. This will help you progress to your pass for battle and win the cosmetics items this season. Or, for lighter entertainment, watch daytime broadcaster Ellen playing Fortnite with Ninja.

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