Epic trail Fortnite Halloween event with enigmatic nursery rhymes


We are at the end of October, which means that many Halloween events are gearing up for your favorite games, and Fortnite is no exception. Epic has already added spooky skins – including the Jack Gourdon to the Pumpkin Head (above) – and recreated fun stuff by renting bells at the door. On Friday, he started playing at Fortnitemares, his official Halloween event, with an image of what looks like a new skin, a chained cube and enigmatic rhymes that could allude to an event-specific gameplay. .

In his first Halloween tweet, Epic shared a small slice of the new skin next to a four-line nursery rhyme. It might be just random spooky poetry, but the "partner in place" might suggest a new time-limited duo mode, while the disguise discourse makes me think of a subterfuge-based mode, perhaps where players are invited to betray their partners? This is only pure speculation, what do you think?

In the second tweet, published today, Epic shared the image of a cube chained with another rhyme. Again, answer on a postcard.

DiviusTT, an eagle-eyed Twitter user, commented that the two images fit together as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We can therefore expect more clues over the next few days (Eurogamer for reporting it).

The Halloween update of the Royal Battle of Fortnite last year last year was a relatively quiet affair, with new skins and items, but not new game modes. However, given what happened spent with regular updates of the game, get the latest news floating island movements here– I would expect something much bigger this year. Last year's event began on October 26th. We can therefore expect this year to begin this week.

What would you like to see from Fortnitemares 2018?

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