ESA teamed up with Nissan to build an off-road astronomy lab


The trailer has a refrigerated interior that helps stabilize the telescope and batteries can power a WiFi hotspot, a laptop station and a UHF transmitter for data relay. In addition, the truck itself uses red lighting to reduce light pollution, while ProPilot Driver Assist Technology takes the trailer into account and locates the parking that best suits the trailer. to the telescope.

Nissan and ESA use the Gaia mission as an example of using the Dark Sky concept. Researchers use the Gaia satellite to map the stars of our galaxy, and scientists often have to make follow-up observations on Earth. But these observations must be made in very dark and remote places, difficult to access, especially with a high power telescope. But the Dark Sky concept allows remote viewing while carrying the telescope safely, even off the road.

"Telescopes like this trailer are needed to study the planets and stars of our galaxy, facilitating earth-based tracking campaigns with Gaia data," said Fred Jansen, mission director for Gaia. . "Until now, the trip has been exciting and really demonstrated what can happen when innovation and astronomy meet."

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