Essential puts time to work and focuses on a new product | News and opinions


The company, led by Android founder Andy Rubin, launched its first smartphone more than a year ago. But until now, the company has not yet published a successor. Apparently, it works on a handset powered by AI.

PH-1 essential

The startup behind Essential Phone is reducing its staff.

On Wednesday, Bloomberg announced that Essential Products had laid off about 30% of its workforce. The affected employees were part of the company's hardware, marketing and sales divisions.

The startup has refused to confirm the number of employees, but said in an email to PCMag: "This is a difficult decision to make, we are sorry for the consequences for our colleagues who leave the company and do everything in their power to help them in their future career ".

For Essential, says Essential: "We are confident that our focus on our products will help us provide a truly revolutionary consumer product."

The company, led by Android founder Andy Rubin, launched its first smartphone, the Essential Phone PH-1, a year ago in August 2017. But, to this day, the provider n & # Has not yet published a successor.

According to Bloomberg, the start-up has canceled its intention to launch another Essential phone compared to the disappointing sales of the product. Instead, the startup is focusing on building a phone using artificial intelligence, working primarily with voice commands, instead of a touch screen. The device will be smart enough to autonomously respond to your e-mails, make an appointment and send SMS to your friends.

It remains to be seen if starting can make the product a reality. But in the meantime, the Essential Phone is still on sale on the company's website for $ 499. PCMag gave him a "good" score for his big screen and his flowing performance. However, layoffs within the company indicate that Essential is moving away from selling a typical Android phone.

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