Essential Red Dead 2 Guide and Beginner's Tips: What to Know Before You Begin


Red Dead Redemption 2 is out, and it explains the majority of its game systems with which you will interact during the many hours that you can play there. However, given its size, some information can be distributed over several hours. It's a smart decision that means players are not overwhelmed from the beginning, but you may end up asking questions that the game is not ready to answer or that you just missed.

As you can imagine, the open world is full of things you can do, as you can read in our article on Red Dead 2. If you wish, you can spend many hours exploring the vast American desert and enjoying the beautiful surroundings it offers, to hunt animals to feed your friends and family, or to steal trains for – well, treat your friends and family in a less healthy way.

To help you get started, we've put together a number of tips that will help you get along better earlier in the game. These should serve as a base to dive into the world of Red Dead Redemption 2. So we included a series of little things that, once we realized them, allowed for more fluid gaming sessions. Beside that, there is information that the game tells you, but maybe not insist as much as it should. Crucially, all this is free, so you do not risk hearing about this moment when [REDACTED].

For more tips on Red Dead Redemption 2, we have no-frills guides on how systems of morality and honor work, on the best way to make money and information on how the customization of weapons. If you intend to spend a lot of time fishing, we also have a guide on it.

Also be sure to watch Quickdraw, our weekly video series Red Dead Redemption 2. In the first episode, we reviewed the previous Rockstar games that influenced RDR 2. The second episode, meanwhile, is a recap of the story of the Red Dead Redemption movie.

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