Many Americans are changing the way they use social media in the aftermath of the Cambridge Analytica Facebook Privacy scandal, according to a new Associated Press-NORC Center poll for research on public affairs. (April 24)

SAN FRANCISCO – Facebook is threatened with its first financial penalty for the improper access of millions of people by Cambridge Analytica: a preliminary fine of 500,000 pounds or 664 $ 000, the maximum penalty A survey conducted by UK regulators revealed that Facebook had not put in place any sufficiently stringent privacy protections.

Facebook will have the opportunity to respond to the findings before a final decision is made.

Erin Egan, chief privacy officer of Facebook, says Facebook acknowledges that she should have done more to investigate allegations regarding Cambridge Analytica.

"We worked closely with the OIC in their investigation of Cambridge Analytica, just as with the authorities of the United States and other countries," Egan said in a statement on Tuesday. "We are reviewing the report and will soon respond to the ICO."

The Office of the Information Commissioner is leading the European data survey of nearly 87 million Facebook users and their friends – mostly US residents and Facebook has was harvested by Cambridge Analytica

Facebook had originally estimated that data from 2.7 million Europeans could have been shared with Cambridge Analytica, but last month, Facebook told European lawmakers that the data did not have the same data. perhaps had not been shared. Everything indicates that Facebook will not know for sure until it can conduct its own verification.

In his investigation, the Office of the Information Commissioner stated that Facebook "had not been transparent" about how people's data was collected. Cambridge Analytica Could Spread

A Facebook investigation is underway by the Federal Trade Commission, which could result in a penalty of several hundred billion dollars. The FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission are also studying Facebook connections with Cambridge Analytica

For more information: Cambridge Analytica closes its doors following the Facebook data crisis ]

More: Facebook now thinks 87 million data shared with Cambridge Analytica

For more information: Russia could have data from Facebook users extracted by Cambridge Analytica, whistleblower said

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