Facebook launches Lasso, a TikTok-style video app for teens


Facebook describes Lasso as an app that "makes it easy to create and share short videos with fun effects." The application will allow users to follow other creators, search for content with the help of hashtags and create new videos with the help of a sequel. creation tools. Facebook is sure to note that the app includes a "massive music library", which allows it to take a picture of TikTok, an app that has grown in popularity with lip sync videos.

<img alt = "Lasso Facebook" data-caption = "Lasso Facebook" data-credit = "Facebook / iTunes App Store" data-mep = "3009662" src = "https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims ? resize = 2000% 2C2000% 2Cshrink & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2F% 2Fos% 2Fcreatr% 2F 2

Lasso belonging to Facebook, it integrates with the ecosystem of the company to allow you to connect using an Instagram or Facebook account (or to create one if you managed to avoid the platform for so long). The app will need to access your profile page, your photos and your videos. When you make your own videos on Lasso, you can share them directly in your Facebook story. Similar compatibility with Instagram stories is planned for later this year, per year. The edge.

You can get Lasso, which Facebook has deployed very discreetly, starting today. The application is already filled with content, suggesting that the application could have been accessible to a small group of community members before its public release.

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